"We're going to have to go back to my 'office' to get the good dye. Everything here kinda sucks." We check out and Skylar makes me drive her car again. She guides me to a quirky little office building next to a Starbucks. She climbs out of the car and instantly crouches down.

"What are you do-" Skylar pulls me down next to her mid sentence and shushes me.

"We have to be sneaky. I'm not allowed in after dark and there is usually someone around 24 hours a day. " she crouch walks over to the alley way between her office and the Starbucks. She darts to the nearest escape ladder, pulls it down, and starts climbing. I follow hesitantly after her, knuckles white as I grip each rung of the ladder tightly.

She gets to the first level and heads directly for the stairs up to the next floor. The wind picks up the higher we go and I start shivering, clambering up the stairs a few steps behind Skylar. We get to a window about three floors up, and Skylar pries it open with her fingers. She slides through the opening and disappears into the dark of the room.

I follow shortly after and I'm met with a pitch black room. The only thing I could see was the pool of moonlight I was standing waist deep in. Suddenly tiny lines of lights flicker on one by one, back and forth across the ceiling. Large  bulb lights light up the walls in elegant swooping rows. In the middle of the room there is a large, round, teal shag rug with a sheep skin draped across one of the edges. In the corner there are a couple purple chairs with white Pom Pom throw pillows; and between them is a white table with hair magazines strewn across it.

On the wall across from where I stand is a giant mirror with lights lining it, and a swivel chair. There are other necessary hair styling machines, like a sink and a heat lamp; they are barley the focus of the room.

Skylar  disappeared from sight after entering the room. I see a warm light spilling from a small room off the side of the main room. I peer around the side of the door frame to a cluttered room full of hair supplies. There are bean bag chairs and a desk pushed against the far wall. There is a table covered in stacked boxes of hair color and toners from the top of the table to the ceiling.

Skylar is sat on a stool in front of a cabinet; rifling through one of the drawers. She's tossing random items from the drawer into her bag and after about ten odd looking utensils, she quickly stands up and goes to stand in front of the stack of hair color. She stands looking thoughtfully at all of the colors, extending and retracting her hand in consideration. She finally chooses three boxes and stuffs them in her already full bag.

"Ready to head out?" I nod and my body wracks with a shiver. "Are you cold?" I nod again and Skylar starts rummaging through another drawer in the cabinet that was full of fabric. She pulls out a quilted blanket then quickly scans over me and my body's constant shivers, as if to asses my cold levels. She then pulls her own sweater off her shoulders.

My teeth bang together as I slip my arms into the sweater as Skylar drapes the thick blanket over my shoulders. I'm  still shaking so Skylar wraps her arms around my body and holds me flush against her. She pulls me over the the beanbag chair and we flop down into the soft material. She is tucked around my body, and even though she is technically only on one side of me, it fells like she is completely encompassing me.

I'm still lightly shivering, but I tuck my head into Skylar's chest and the shakes subside. Her hands rub lazy circles into my side and I feel like I could fall asleep. She keeps muttering to herself, probably off in her own land, but I can hardly care as sleep takes hold of my body.

I feel the shake of the car as it starts and pulls away from the curb. Somehow I have made it back to the car, despite me being dead asleep. I blink and rub my eyes; a blurry scene of the sunrise on the other side of my eyelids. A yawn wracks my body and I try to stretch my arms above my head. Turns out my arms are constricted by a tightly tucked blanket that completely covers me head to toe. I look over to the drivers seat to see Skylar driving.

Androgynous (Girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now