Chapter Nine: Emma...

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Chapter 9.

-Edward's POV-

"So what now?" Marcel stuttered.

He was right. What now? I know it will take some time to get used to this new lifestyle of mine. All of us are. Marcel is used to being an only child. Harry is use to being the only boy. And me? Well its's obvious, I'm a mess. I've never even had a family before. I don't really know what to expect.

-Marcel's POV-

I tried to stay quiet, but my thoughts kept invading me. What was going to happen to us? I want to get to know my new family; well old family.

"I-I want us to s-stick together..." I found a new confidence somehow. "I don't want us to separate. I hated my life before this. I had nobody. My only friend was my mother...That's sad. We just...we can't depart." I let out without a stutter.

Everyone looked at me wide eyed. Especially my mum. She looked proud in a way.

"I agree with Marcel." Harry said. "We should stick together." Edward nodded along.

Our parents stared at each other for a moment. "We will try and work on this boys. For you. We'll work on our relationship..." My mum said staring at  Des, who was smiling brightly at her.

I've never been happier.

*Two weeks later.*

-Harry's POV-

So far this life is good. My mum and Marcel actually moved in with us. Everything seems perfect.

Even with my band. We have a meeting with, believe it or not, Syco Studios. Simon Cowell! The Simon Cowell! It's going to be epic!

-Edward's POV-

I get out of my bed and head to my bathroom. Time for another day of hell. Not really, I just don't like school that much.

I start to get ready. Brushing my teeth, hair, etc. I had a good feeling about today. I don't really know why. I put on my all black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt, along with my leather jacket. I walk down stairs and grab my beanie. One thing I dislike about the mornings for school, is that Harry and Marcel take ages to get ready.

I decide to eat breakfast. By the time I was finished eating, Harry and Marcel had joined the kitchen. I sat and waited for them, Harry is driving so..I kind of have to.

When they were finally finished, we headed to school.

"So, guess what guys." Harry said with a slight smirk.

I smirked along, "What is it?"

"Syco scheduled a meeting with our band next week!" He blurted excitedly.

"That's amazing! Have you told mum and dad yet?" Marcel asked. Since him and our mum moved in, his stuttering stopped. He's more confident now.

"No, I wanted to surprise them tonight at dinner. I'm inviting My friend Emma too. She's the one who said I should start the band, so she needs to be apart of it too." He smiles. I've heard a lot of the 'Emma' girl, she's one of Harry's closest friends. I've never met her, but I will tonight.

"So when are you and Emma going to start dating!" I joked. Harry shook his head, and Marcel started to laugh.

"Never. She's like a sister. Nothing more." He says plainly. Right!

We arrive at school and head to our classes. It was a new semester so we have new classes. I only have  a few with my brothers. I head to my first class. Biology.

We have those stupid partner tables. I sit down to my assigned seat. My partner...she's beautiful. Suddenly these tables aren't so stupid.

"Hey! You're one of Harry's twins!" She yells, smiling. I smile back.

"Yeah..How'd you know?" Fuck, I'm stupid. What's wrong with me.

"well you look exactly alike, minus the piercings and tattoos." She laughs. She's so adorable.

"I'm Edward." I greet.

"Hello Edward, I'm Emma."


Hellooo lovelies!

Emma is played by the very beautiful....EMMA WATSON! Yayyyy! 

I hope you enjoyed this silly chapter. It seems really short to me...Sorry.

Sorry for errors and stuff. haha


Contact me:

Twitter: @Hazzacupcake69


Tumblr: @HazzaCupcake69

Instagram: @smiley_velo


Byeee Loveliesssss! xx

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