Chapter Two: Edward

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Chapter 2.

-Author's POV-

Edward grew up in an orphanage until the age of 10. He was told his parents died when he was only two years old. He's been in and out of homes, it's quit sad. All Edward wants is to feel loved...

Now, he's living in probably his worst home. He's been living with them for 5 years now; since he was 11. They are a very abusive family. Every night, Edward gets beat for no reason what so ever. He has done absolutely nothing wrong...

This is one of the reasons he's so cold hearted and such a "bad boy". He has nobody to love him...

-Edward's POV-

I barely get home, it's nearly 1am and I have school. I was out. Drinking, walking, exploring. Anything to get me away from this hell hole. I open my window as quietly as possible, and step in. I throw my clothes off and get ready for bed.

"Tomorrow's the day. The day I leave. They're finally sending me back to the orphanage. Thank God..." I whisper, drifting off to sleep.

My alarm clock blurred in my ear. I sighed getting annoyed, then threw it across the room.

"Damn it..." I say. I have a lot of anger, sometimes I just can't control it...

I get undressed and hop in the shower, I finish, then get out. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I look all my tattoos. All together there are over 27. They each having a meaning. Like my birdcage tattoo, it means how much I want to break free. My birds on my chest, how much I just want to fly away...

I quickly get dressed, putting on a white V neck shirt, black skinny jeans, and my all black boots. Slowly, I walk down the steps. If I wake my foster parents up, I'll be in for it. I'd get beat. Again.

I walk into the messy kitchen and grab a piece of bread putting it into the toaster. I didn't hear my foster dad come into the kitchen.

"Eating again, fat ass." He spits. I sigh continuing to eat my toast. He smirks at me,

"Stupid son of a bitch." He says. I clench my jaw. I can't take this anymore.

"Don't call me that." I say putting my toast down. He smirks, "Make me."

I punch him hard across the face, making him stumble to the floor. He quickly gets up and runs to me, punching me in my mouth and eye. I fall to the ground. He's stronger than me, I should've known...

He leaves the kitchen and I get up. I feel my lip. It's busted, and my eye? It's already blackened. I sigh grabbing my beanie and head out the door. I walk to school. Alone. 

When I get there, people give me looks. I can see their scared expressions. Not wanting to talk to me. Yes, I have friends, but they are always intimidated by me. I only have two close friends. Zayn Malik and Michael Clifford. They always know how to cheer me up.

"Hey Edwa- woah what happened, mate?" Zayn said walking to my locker seeing my busted lip and black eye. I see Michael beside him.

"Was it Robin again?" Michael's Australian accent spoke up. I nod then sigh.

"It doesn't matter. I'm going back to the orphanage tonight. So today's my last day here." They look at me wide eyed.

"Serious?" Michael said shocked.

I nod again. "Yep. I hate to say this but I'm going to miss you guys." I laugh.

"We're still going to hang out and shit though, right?" Zayn said.

"Yeah," I laugh, "now I've got to get to class." I walk off leaving them at my locker.

Everywhere I go, people always stare. I hate it. I hate it here. I sit down in my seat, which is in the back of the room. The teacher sees me and tenses up. She's scared of me too. Maybe it's my tattoos. My piercings. Maybe even my curls. who knows.

"Okay class. Last night's assignment was to write a any type of poem about yourself. Now I'm going to pick a few students to read them aloud. Any volunteers?" She said scanning the room. Her eyes land on me.

"E-Edward. How about you?" She says. I sigh then smirk.

"Whatever. Sure," I get up from my seat. "Edward. Pathetic, useless, son of a bitch." I start off. The teacher looks at me wide eyed, along with the other students. I half heartedly smile.

"Shall I continue?" I smirk. She shakes her head no. Figured.

"And Edward, no swearing in my class." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, I'm so FUCKING sorry. I didn't mean to." I smart mouth.

She looks beyond pissed. I just smirk even more, enjoying every moment.

"Detention. After school." She says with a smile. My smirk suddenly fades.

"No, no, no. Not tonight. Please." I beg.

"And why's that?" She asks confused.

I hesitate, " I go back..."

"Back where?"

"The orphanage." I weakly say. She gasps. I roll my eyes.

"Oh...erm..okay. We'll reschedule. Moving on..." She says.

I zone her out, along with everyone else. It was finally the end of the school day. I'm finally leaving this hell hole of a school. and home.

I walk home, not bothering to say goodbye to Zayn or Michael. I arrive home. As soon as I get in, I'm tackled to the floor. Robin stood there. Smirking.

"You're leaving tonight. you need a goodbye beating, faggot." He says while kicking me in the stomach. He picks me up and pushes me to the stairs. I beg him to stop, but he doesn't. He just keep kicking and hitting. I felt so weak. Useless.

Once he was finished beating the shit out of me, I walked to my room. My body ached. I grab my suit case and start packing. This will be a new beginning. Hopefully.


HelloOoOoOo lovelies haha. I hope you like this chapter! I tried to make it as long as I could. TRIED.

Sorry for any errors!

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ByeEeEeEeee lovelies! xx

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