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"Yo Kazzy get up!" I heard Jakes deep voice boom as he ripped the duvet off of me, leaving me in my black shorts and BVB tank. I was best friends Jake Pitts, yes from bvb. We'd only been friends for a year or so, but we were really close, we were even living together. After a few weeks of us being friends he introduced me to the rest of BVB. I got along with all of them except a certain lead singer, Andy, #GazelleLegs. We'd always get into arguments, insulting each other and calling names.

Secretly a small....okay maybe...bigish part of me liked him, it was hard to explain. It was weird because I found him so annoying at times and he has a attitude problem and is so big headed. But yet I like, liked him. I didn't tell anyone not even Jake, at first it was because of him and Juliet but then they broke up a few months ago. Now it was because I doubted he liked me anyway.

"But I'm cold!!" I screeched.

"Don't care, come on! We'll be late for our flights" My head shot up.

"What flights!?"

"Me, you and the rest of the band are going on holiday remember?" Jake flew my curtains open.

"Fuck" I quickly jumped out of my bed. I was looking forward to the holiday, but it meant I was stuck with Andy for a whole week. It was and wasn't a good thing. We were going to a private Vila in Spain.

"How long have we got?"

"3 hours until we need to be at the airport. You've got one hour to get dressed and do makeupy hair stuff, half an hour to get the stuff in the car and eat, then the other hour and a half to pick up Andy and Ash, get there and meet CC and Jinxx" the airport wasn't faraway so we didn't have to rush.

"Ooh look at you! Got everything planned I see" I smiled at him as I combed my hands through my slightly tangled hair.

"Yep, it's gonna be so nice to finally get a holiday. I'm gonna go do breakfast" Jake said walking back over to my bedroom door.

I took a quick shower, got changed into my Batman tee, black denim ripped shorts and black converse high-tops. I blow dried my mid-length bright blue hair.

I put on mascara and liquid eyeliner, brushed my teeth and sprayed. I tided my bedroom and made sure I had everything I needed in my suitcases, then went downstairs.

I ate breakfast with Jake, then we loaded our stuff up in the boot. We went to pick Ashely and Andy up at Andy's house. CC and Jinxx were gonna meet us there.

"Hey guys" Ashley said opening the boot and putting his stuff in. Andy opened the left backseat door and shoved his stuff on the seat.

"Sup dudes!" Jake replied as Andy went around the other side of the car and got in next to me (I was sitting in the middle). I knew either Andy or Ash would have to sit next to me and there wasn't room for all the stuff to be put in the boot. I looked at him as if to say 'what the fuck are you doing?'.

"Wait, why can't Andy sit at the front?" I questioned Jake.

"I get car sick if I'm in the back" Ashley as he got in the passengers seat. Great, I was squished in the middle of Andy and his and my luggage for like a hour.

"Trust me the feeling mutual bitch" Andy spat looking out the widow next to him.

"I can't believe I have to spend the whole week with this asshole" I muttered crossing my arms and looking the other way. Ashley and Jake laughed.

"Jake I think your gonna have to find yourself a new roommate" Andy said. "Can we leave her in Spain?"

"No you can't leave 'her' in Spain dickhead, why don't we leave you instead?"

Our Weird Kind Of Love - Andy Biersack FanFictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum