Chapter Twenty-Nine: Operation

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Charlie's POV

"A-Aron." I muttered "A-Are you sure?"

"I owe you guys. I was being such a dick, these past years."

I looked down "You sure? You could die, if they take to much blood."

"I'm positive. I'll do anything to save J. He was my best friend. I loved him."

"Alright. Follow me." The doctor walked out of the room. Aron followed and so did I. Aron sat in a room, with 2 doctors. 4 tubes been stuck in him. His arms and legs. I watched as his skin became more pale and the blood packs filled with blood. Tears streamed down my face as I thought about losing Aron again. I missed out friendship. I finally got him back, and now I'm losing him? 

It came the time where there were 5 blood packs, filled with Aron's blood. Aron's face was so pale. It looked like e was about to pass out. The doctor walked out "We got enough blood. But..." She trailed off


"Aron.." She muttered "I don't think he's going to live."


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