Chapter Twenty: Promises

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Charlie's POV

It was just me and Danny in the hospital. It's been 3 weeks. I heard J groan. I quickly got up, running towards his bed "J-J."

"Where the fuck am I?" He looked around

I turned on the light, making him wince. 

"Stap-p, turn it off-f." 

I chuckled turning the light down a bit. I sat on the edge of his bed. "What do you gotta say, J?" I looked at him

"Hey mofo!" He chuckled, pulling me into a hug

"J!" Danny jumped on the bed, pushing me and hugging J.

"Hey!" I laughed "I want some of J, too." I laughed, jumping on the other side of J


Me and J sat on his bed, in the hospital. "What do you gotta say." I looked at him

"What do you want me to say?" He muttered

"We all promised each other." I sighed

"Don't you see, Charlie?" He looked at me "The band wants to die. We should just let it. Our band is shit without Dylan."

"Don't say that, J. Thousands of people still like us."

He sighed 

"What do you gotta say?" I looked at him

"I'm sorry for almost killing myself."

"Promise me you wont ever do it again." I held out my pinkie

"I promise." He wrapped his pinkie around mine smiling at me


A/N: I wanted to kill J....You guys went though too much emotion...You're welcome :)

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