Chapter Twenty-Four: No

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Danny's POV

"Jorel!" I yelled, throwing myself at the door, roughly, making it fall. Blood splatted on my face as the door hit the ground.I wiped my face with my hand "J!" I yelled. The whole floor was covered with blood. I got beside J. "Call someone!" I hissed, crying

Charlie quickly got out his phone while the others cried softly behind Charlie.


"He lost a lot of blood." One of the paramedics looked at me "The place looks like a murder scene." He sighed

I slowly nodded as paramedics cleaned the place up. I slowly walked to the back room, Charlie pulled me into his arms. I cried loudly in his chest. "Shhhhh, Danny." He tried to calm me, rubbing my back


We all sat in the waiting room. "Was he still breathing?" Charlie turned to me

"Barely." I muttered

The doctor walked over to us. "Boys?" He stood in front of all of us

"Y-Yes?" I breathed

"I'm sorry for your loss."


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