Chapter Seven: Suicide Note

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(I'm not going to tell you who wrote this hehe)

Dear, everyone

I'm sorry I left. This world is dumb. Full of sin. I hate it. This world makes me sick. I tried to be happy. It worked until Dylan died. I miss that little fucker so much. I cry myself to sleep every night. I can't think about him without bursting into tears. I will finally be with him. I don't believe in God and you guys know it.But I do know that Dylan is with us, when we need him. And he keeps telling me to join him. And I want to. So I made the choice to do so. I know in a year or 2 you guys will forget I'm gone. You guys can find a better singer than me. You can find someone to replace me. Someone everyone will like. Make HU big for me and Dylan. I know Dylan will want this band to go to its full limits. Get more chicks for the music videos. Make awesome music. In the next life, I wanna see HU everywhere. Not just on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or FaceBook. I wanna see you guys in magazines, newspapers, billboards. Everywhere. I want you guys to blow Hollywood up with all your fame. Because I know that you guys will do better without me. Just promise me one thing, Don't let this band die. I love every singe one of you fuckers. But depression took over me. It wants me to kill myself. It wants you guys to feel more pain. I'm truly sorry for making you guys go throw more pain. I really am. I just can't take this world anymore. I wanna die. I wanna leave. This world sucks. Goodbye, world.


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