"Okay, so you were saying this happened during your junior year?" Sweeney chimed in.

"Yeah. All throughout until that summer which was last summer, I went too crazy. One night last June, I got way too drunk too fast. I think it was like 10 shots of tequila in an hour I drank, like I almost died. I got alcohol poisoning and sorry to be gross but vomited a lot and passed out. Thankfully I didn't choke but I was unconscious for a while and was rushed to the hospital to get my stomach pumped. It was absolute hell like I never thought I would go through that but...it was bound to happen due to the life I was living.

My parents were so furious and grounded me for the rest of the summer so I had to find a job, work, and then remain at home most of the time to do chores. I barely saw my friends, extended family, I was trapped. But that was when I recovered for the first time. Since I was pretty much on house arrest and couldn't do anything, I thought a lot. I thought about my life, who I was, the choices I've made and realized that I was ruining it. I then learned from my mistakes and learned that I was not living healthy. I overcame my addiction, sobered up, tried to never look back, and was a lot happier."

"That's good. I'm very happy to hear that," Margo smiled. "So, why are you here now?"

"Well, I got angry and got drunk again. Yeah. I met this girl last summer named Camila, because we were in a show together and I really liked her. She came to my school and we went out and I asked her to be my girlfriend and we dated. And I gotta tell you," I sighed. "This girl was soooo beautiful to me. I fell in love with her."

Dr. Sweeney smiled, "Do you have a picture of her?"

I pulled my phone out and showed her a picture of Camila.

	"She is beautiful," she nodded

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"She is beautiful," she nodded.

"I know. And I never thought I would fall in love with someone. Last year when I partied, I didn't want to date. I didn't want to fall in love with someone because I didn't like the idea of getting hurt. I thought that if I was with someone, my heart would shatter of heartbreak like how it did when Keana and I split. So, I just drank and partied but still wanted to get some so just hooked up. No strings attached. That's also what Keana and I did too. We were friends with benefits because she visited sometimes but we would just hook up when we saw each other.

So, going back to Camila, I fell in love with her very hard. It was something I never felt towards anyone and I'm not even exaggerating. Like, this was serious. Like, you know how when you're little or just younger and you think about your future? The type of house you want to live in, the kind of person you want to marry, how many kids you want, just all that? Well, I never thought about that when I was a kid. I don't know why but to me, I always just wanted to be single, live in New York and work on Broadway for the rest of my life. That was it, that was what my future looked like for the longest time until she came into my life." Talking about this with my therapist made me feel happy for once. "Being with her made me actually think for probably the first time in my life about settling down and having a family. That's how serious it was. I wanted, no, I still want a future with her. I could easily see myself marrying Camila and having kids and growing old together," my lips trembled at those thoughts.

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