I Get Brainwashed by an Evil Crazy Sorceress

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Chicago was not fun.

Not at all.

Chasing after wind spirits? That I could handle. I mean, it wasn't that bad. Festus was comfortable, it wasn't like I was doing any of the flying, and I actually really enjoyed the aerial view of Chicago. But of course, Jason, the almighty amnesiac with the worst ideas ever just had to suggest that we go "check it out on foot." I knew what was going to happen and I was not happy about it. I wasn't exactly eager to get turned into an order following brain dead zombie.

Which was why I strongly protested against going into the sewer. And yes, I knew we had to go in order to get the storm spirits for Aeolus, but I was feeling a little bit selfish.

Ok, maybe a lot.

But all my protests didn't help at all since Jason of course, pulled his big shot leader cards and just ordered, "That's it, no complaining, Hope. We're going down there." He gave me a glare.

Now, if I were somebody like Leo, I would have probably kept my mouth shut and my head down, but seriously. I was Hope Foster. I was literally the master of the death glare. (except for Nico Di Angelo. It's impossible to beat that guy. I mean, he pretty much is death.) So, I gave Jason one of my ultimate evil eye stares.

He flinched.

I smirked.

He straightened up and cleared his throat. "Hope, please. We need to get the storm spirits. It's an essential part of our quest." I opened my mouth to suggest that I stay out of this part but Jason held up his hand. "And no, Hope, you cannot stay out here with Festus. You're part of this quest and that means you help us. And anyway, who was it that wanted to hurry up and, I'm quoting you by the way, 'hurry to Chicago and get those storm spirits back?' So, let's do this. Got it?"

He made good points and I knew I was just being a selfish brat. "Whatever," I sighed, my shoulders slumped down. "Let's get this over with."

I had to admit, Rick Riordan totally nailed the description of the sewer. It was exactly as described as the book. Piper went straight to sleep and I laid down too. I was exhausted. Quests were not as fun as they seemed in the books. Reading about them, I always wanted to go on one and now that I was actually on one, it was just different.

I missed everyone; Percy, Kyle, all my friends at camp. I knew that I was probably going to make it, but there was always the "what if?" question.

Shaking my head, I convinced myself, No, Hope. Bad thoughts. Don't go there.

I closed my eyes, ready to get as much sleep as I could get. Plus, I had to give Leo and Jason's bro-talk some privacy. I was thoughtful that way.

It seemed I had the worst luck in the world. All I wanted to do was have a good few hours of sleep. Was that too much to ask?

Apparently, when you're a Demigod, yes.

I ended up back in the Porta-Potties, which was not cool. Gaea was there, smiling like a creep, eyes closed, and just freaking me out. She started to talk. Hello, little hero.

"Really, Grams? Really? I was trying to have a good sleep here, but no of course you have to have something to say." I mentally face palmed. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately. I guess I was a lot more like Percy than I thought I was. I just couldn't resist sending a comment her way that was probably either going to get me killed or amuse her. I was hoping the latter.

Thankfully, it was the latter.

She laughed. You are different, Hope Foster. You know much. You hide much. You are an interesting little pawn.

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