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I needed a lot more eyes. Whipping my head back and forth would not be doing my neck any favors but I couldn't help it. There was too much to see. Campers with orange t-shirts were everywhere and I even felt like I recognized a few. I saw the pegasi, the infamous climbing wall, and what I was really looking forward to; the cabins. I just couldn't get enough. I looked over at Kyle and was pleased to find out that I wasn't the only one overwhelmed by this interesting turn of events. Realizing I wasn't really listening to Percy and his orientation talk, I turned my attention back toward him.

"...and you'll probably get claimed pretty quickly; I mean the gods did promise a few weeks ago that they would claim their kids before they turned thirteen. But you look older than thirteen... Why is that?"

Wait what? My mind furiously backpedaled. I opened my mouth but Kyle beat me to it. "How old are you Percy?"

"Sixteen, why?"

Kyle and I exchanged glances. "Can we talk for a while? In private? Just to sort things out?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." Percy walked away.

Kyle turned toward me, his face looking a bit horrified. "This means that The Lost Hero hasn't happened yet. So, we know what's coming. What are we going to do, Hope? Should we try to change some things?"

"No, I don't think so." Kyle looked at me in shock and I hurried to explain. "I mean, everything that happened in that series happened for a reason. Plus, we don't even know if those events will really play out like they did in the books."

"It's called an educated guess. If the Percy Jackson series is real, then why not the Heroes of Olympus?"

"Well, we're not involved in it so I don't see what's wrong. I mean it's the prophecy of the seven. We know who the seven are. So there shouldn't be any problem, right?" I pleaded.

"Yeah, well in case you haven't noticed things might change now that we're here. I mean, I've read enough fanfiction like this." Kyle became increasingly worried.

"The difference is that we're not going to change anything. We're just going to go with the flow. Plus, I really don't think things are going to change. I hope." With that happy note, I called Percy over.

"So, is there anything that's going on recently? Anything special?" Although I sounded like its normal inquisitive self, inside, I was begging. Please tell me about the prophecy. Please tell me nothing changed. Please.

Percy thought a bit. "Well, there is this prophecy..." Yes! "We call it the Prophecy of the Nine." No!

I heard Kyle 's voice in my ear. "I knew you'd jinx it."

"Rachel, our oracle, gave it to us right after the Battle of Manhattan. Oh, I am so sorry. You probably have no idea what we're talking about." Percy took a deep breath. "I guess I'll start from the beginning then."

Kyle scoffed. "I don't think you'll need to. We know what we need to know. We know the Greek gods are real and that you've had a war recently. We know that after you guys won, you made the gods promise to claim their children before the age of thirteen. And we know that we're Demigods and that this camp is the only safe place for us."

Percy looked at him in shock. "Wow. How'd you know all that?"

"About 90% of it, you told us, and the other 10% is called deductive reasoning. You did say the Battle of Manhattan."

"I would think you're a kid of Athena, but you don't have the grey eyes so probably not."

I looked at Kyle . He had blond hair and decidedly not grey eyes. His eyes were brown, a weird combo with blond hair, but he made it work somehow. You could read his face like an open book. And right now, he looked disappointed.

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