Bonding Time?

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I woke up, stretched my back, and stumbled out of bed. Rubbing my eyes, I looked over to Percy. As expected, he was on his bed, the same position he fell asleep in, with drool coming out of his mouth. I let out a small smile. That's Percy for you. Looking out the door, I could tell it was early, about 6:00. That meant I had about 2 hours to do whatever I wanted before breakfast. I started with a shower, because water always felt good, at least to me. I guess you know the reason for that now. Putting on an outfit of my Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and jean shorts with sneakers; I walked out of the cabin, looking for Chiron, hoping that he would give me some answers. I found him at the archery range calmly shooting one bulls eye after another. He didn't even blink as he said, "Hello, Hope. Early riser, I presume?" while shooting yet another bulls eye.

"Yeah, it's a habit." I walked over to him. "Chiron, I need some answers. I know I'm Poseidon's kid but what does that mean for me and everyone else?"

"Zeus is angry, no doubt, but he understands that the gods did promise to claim all their children. You will be safe, child, don't worry about that." Chiron's reassuring voice washed over me. "Now, do you want to perhaps pick a weapon?"

"No, I promised I would do that with Percy. You know, bonding time and all that."

"Very well. What are you going to do now?"

"I guess I'll try to wake Percy up." I sighed, thinking about my task. It would probably be almost impossible. But I had to try.

"Good luck to you, Hope." Chiron turned back toward the targets. "You'll need it." He muttered quietly, but not quiet enough that I couldn't hear it. I squared my shoulders and marched determinately into the cabin. 30 minutes later, I was exhausted. I shook him, I yelled in his ear, I even tried bouncing on his bed! But Percy laid there, still sleeping oblivious to the world. My last resort; I went to the bathroom and got a cup of cold water, then threw it all in his face. Percy's eyes flew open and his hand went straight for Riptide.

"Whoa Percy. You should calm down there. A bit jumpy, aren't we?" I chuckled, looking at his soaked bewildered face.

"That was you? What the Hades were you trying to do?" He looked a bit mad. "I thought that monsters had come into camp or something!"

"Use your brain Percy. If monsters attacked the camp, they wouldn't be stupid enough to throw water, the thing that makes you stronger, in your face. I was trying to wake you up."

Percy's face turned into its normal clueless self. "That's true. Wow, I sound stupid sometimes..." He shook his wet head. "You know, I would normally dry myself but this feels good so... Anyway, what time is it? Time for breakfast?"

"Yeah, about that... It's actually around 6:35. Plenty of time before breakfast." Percy's face went back into its mad self.

"You mean I could have slept in another hour and a half?" I knew that voice. I used it often enough when I was furious. This was bad.

Backing up, I said, "Well I mean..."

Percy leapt up from his bed and started chasing me. "Get back here Hope Foster ! Stop! Don't you dare move one more step!"

I did the smart thing.

I ran.

I ran all around the camp with Percy running right behind me in his pjs yelling words that would get me suspended in school. Seeing the lake, I speeded toward it and took an impressive leap into the waters. Stupid I know, but I wanted to see if I could actually breathe underwater.

Which I learned I could.

When I surfaced, a wave of water hit me straight in the face. Followed by another. And another. Going on reflexes, I closed my eyes and put my hands up to protect my face. Curiously, the pounding of waves stopped. Opening my eyes, I did a little victory dance. Water surrounded me, acting as a shield. No matter what Percy tried, it got blocked. Then I tried a little offensive move on my own. Pointing at the water at his feet, I twirled my finger around, making a small whirlpool. It worked! Yes! Percy was getting sucked into deeper waters and he didn't even realize it. He was too focused on trying to get through my shield. I then focused on the water behind him, trying to make a wave. Remembering what Percy did to Ares when they fought, I did the same thing. Little waves.

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