I Almost Get Killed By A Cyclops

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I knew I shouldn't have slept.

I knew what was going to happen and I still passed out like an idiot.

And now, I was falling through the air to my death.

Not the best way to go.

"Can someone help me or something? Dang it, I'm dying here!" The wind whipped up around me as I hurtled to the ground.

"On it!" Jason swooped down and took my hand. I saw Piper on the other side. "I don't think I can hold it any longer! It's too heavy!"

"Oh, so you're saying I'm too heavy?"

"No, nothing like that. I just mean..." I smirked at Jason's haggard face.

"Just messing with you. Now, hurry up Blondie and go get Leo!"

Jason's face turned determined. Next thing I knew, we were crashing into Leo and I quickly extended my hand for him to grab on to.

"Festus!" Leo looked heartbroken.

"Look, Leo. Festus is going to be fine, alright? So stop looking like your only love rejected you."

Leo gave me a look. "That was uncalled for!"

"I think not." Suddenly, we were falling. "Jason, what's wrong?"

Jason's voice was strained. "It's too heavy..." Our fall stopped and we hovered in the air before it started again.

I burst out laughing when I saw his face. "You look constipated, you know that?"

"Shut up Hope. I'm concentrating here." He gasped. "I just... can't..."

We dropped.

"JASON! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" All three of us screamed bloody murder as we free fell through the air.

I crashed through the roof and fell on the floor, groaning. "Piper? Blondie? Where the Hades are you guys?"

"Right here." I heard Piper hiss in pain.

Leo's voice sounded throughout the warehouse. "I'm not dead! Hallelujah!"

"Leo, shut up." Jason walked toward Piper. "Hey, you okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, she's not. Her ankle's broken or something, she needs help."


Idiot! Stupid! Big! Mouth! Ruining! Everything! I felt like stabbing myself.

"How'd you know that?" Jason sounded suspicious. Again. This was getting tiresome.

"Easy," I hoped my voice sounded casual. "I saw Piper try to land on her feet and I know that is not a good thing to do from a hundred feet up."

Jason looked like he wanted to question me some more, but Piper tapped his arm. "Ankle? Help? Anyone?"

I quickly gave her a piece of ambrosia. "You shouldn't eat any more right now. Blondie, set her foot."

Jason gave me an annoyed look. "Can you quit calling me Blondie? It gets annoying after a while."

"Yeah, not gonna happen. Hurry up and help your girlfriend."

As Jason set Piper's foot, I walked up to Leo. "You should probably go look for Festus. I'll come too." I really didn't want to get knocked out by a Cyclops.

"Yeah, just wait a second." Leo walked up to Jason. "Look, why don't you stay with Piper? Me and Hope will just scout around for Festus and try to fix him."

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