Chapter 22

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Ash walked along the familiar paths back to his hometown. The surroundings were filled with aim cent memories, namely of the native Pokémon to the Kanto region. Poliwag, Diglett, Spearow and Pidey's actively scattered the landscape. A river flowed to his left, and in it were common Kantoan water types, like Magikarp and Tentacool. In a tree, a Fearow cried out, and took flight. Walking down the road was like a nostalgia for Ash, as he remembered the him from long ago, starting out on his Pokémon journey, just about five years ago. Pikachu was sat upon Ash's shoulder squealing in delight at its surroundings, remembering the journeys it had been on with its trainer. 

For his Kalosian friends, it was a whole new world for them to explore. Bonnie ran alongside the river, peering Into the river and watching the Pokémon there swim. Clemont had to keep a close eye on Bonnie, in case she fell into the river, despite his consistent warnings to not stand by the river. Exasperated, he just kept a close eye on her, ready to scoop her up from the river and scold her if she slipped.

When Serena learnt she would be going to Kanto, along with her mothers consent to go with her boyfriend, she had been absolutely ecstatic. She had laughed and smiled and hugged Ash continuously. It had been worth it, Grace had said, to see Serena this happy, and Ash couldn't agree more. He was so happy she was here in his native region with him. He wondered how much of the surroundings she remembered.

Glancing behind him, he saw Serena looking off to the left and right, alternatively switching her view from left to right, looking all around the land Ash called his home. She wondered if she could remember any of it. From when she was here last. So far, she remembered nothing, at least not about the environment they were in now.

"How much longer?" Bonnie asked from the riverbank. She was trying to keep her balance by having both her arms out reached to the side, like a tightrope artist.

Ash studied the surrounding areas. He recognized the landscape. Judging from the area... "Maybe 10 minutes. 15 at most." Ash replied. In the distance, he could see some grey clouds, caused by the smoke from house fires in Pallet town. Everyone was waiting for him back in Pallet. Soon, he'd be there.

Ash and Pikachu smiled at the sight of Pallet town. They had been on this very hill many times. It had the best view of the town as you walked in, overlooking the entire surrounding area. You could see everything from where you stood on the hill. A flock of Pidgey flew over the town as Ash looked over it. The place hadn't changed a bit. He could see the Professors Pokémon lab. That was where everybody was.

Ash turned to his friends, waving at them to come closer, to share this view with him. "Come on, you can see it from here!"

His group behind him speed up their pacing, to join Ash atop the hill, and experience the sights this town had to offer. The reactions were generally the same. Expressions of enjoyment and wonder, and engrossment of the sight of Pallet town. For the Kalosians, the town was a sight of the Kantoan's world. Serena had been here before, but scarcely remembered the entire town, and certainly not the view right now. That would be something she would definitely remember. 

"Well guys, here we are. Pallet town." Ash said with a grin.

"So preeeeeety!" Bonnie squeaked.

Serena had to agree. It was a beautiful town. It wasn't large enough to look like human influence had ruined the area, and wasn't small enough to make it look remote. It looked like a peaceful town. A nice town. A great first impression of the Kanto region.

"Well, there it is," Ash said aloud. "Here's where I grew up."

Serena nodded. "And where I met you." 

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