I'm a what?!

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Leo's pov
'I just know it,I know y/n is a demigod,but I feel like there's something else '
I think as I walk into the hallway of the school.I see Calypso. 'Dang,she's fine,but I feel like there's something bad about her,nah probably not'
"Hey Calypso"
"Oh,hey Leo" she says as she runs a finger down my chest."I was just thinking,I really like and I was thinking if we could be together" 'whoa,did a girl totally out of my league just ask me out ? Go ahead Valdez -stop it your here to get y/n and go to camp snap out of it ,but this girl just asked me out' "Su-" I stopped talking and seen y/n walk through like she's a boss even though she didn't act like it,she looked like and she also look pretty Hawt if I do say so myself. Even though she was just wearing something simple she still looked Hawt.I mean she doesn't dress to impress anyone that's what I like about her that's,why I love her-'did I just say I love her,oh my gods of Olympus'
"Actually you know what Calypso I'll see pass,bai" and with that I walked off to the class room ignoring her screaming my name.
I have this feeling that something bad is about to happen,but I don't know what.Ever since I thought I loved y/n,I can't stop taking glances at her and I also think she noticed some of them. Whoops! Uh,heh.
"Ok class I'm going to quiz you all on Greek mythology "said Mrs.Smith.The whole class groaned at the thought of a quiz,but y/n's eyes lit up with excitement and interest.It was really an amazing site to- "hey,lover boy pass the papers back"someone yelled and I blushed know he was talking about me staring at my princesa.'oh,gosh I just said my princesa.man this girl got me trippin.'
Your pov
As soon as I got the paper I got to work.
Question 1:Who is the God of the sea,earthquakes,storms,
And horses?
'Easy,that's Poseidon ' I think as mark the answer as Poseidon.
Question 2:Who is Poseidon's parents?
'Easy Cronus and Rhea'
Question 3: You die now!
I look up to see Mrs.smith but she's not Mrs.smith anymore she's an Empusa,but how?
I let out a scream and Leo looks up and sees what I'm screaming at and gets up and grabs my hand "pincesa we got to go" we start to run,when we just make it to the doors of the school leo stops."leo?Are you coming?Why did you stop were bout to die here"He shakes his head and looks at me.She charmspoke us to stop,but you didn't.How?' 'I don't know,but she's coming and we need to leave like,right now'I say not wanting to die today. 'right' He says and we run outside and I see a metal dragon.oh,and its moving.Great,I'm going delusional.'uh,this is Festus,my dragon and you must be a demigod since you can see the Empusa  and festus' 'Hold up.I'm a demigod.WHAT!' 'Just hop on and I'll tell you all about it and show you around the place for people like us' I get on fetus and ask 'Like us?Theres more demigods' 'yeh,I'm a son of Hephaestus' Hephaestus? I gasp' SOWERECHILDRENOFTHEGREEKGODSOMGIMGONNADIE' 'whoa,slow down chic,what did you say' 'I said 'so were children of the greek gods omg I'm gonna die' 'yep and we have reached our destination' Now this is were the fun begins.I think.

What you think for this 614 word chapter?I know it's not the best because this is my first book and all,but really I like to write this book because I have so many ideas on what to do like with the future who's gonna be with who how the story goes,it's just wow. So yeh comment on what you think and if you don't like I'll try to make better other then that haters gonna hate.

 So yeh comment on what you think and if you don't like I'll try to make better other then that haters gonna hate

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