Chapter 1

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Gray's POV

"Natsu, I swear if you don't shut up, I'll pound you're pyro face in." I said as Natsu continued to groan. When we accepted this job, Natsu, being the dim-witted flame head he is, forgot about his motion sickness.

"Are you sure we can't just walk?" Natsu suggested shakily

"No way! It takes 3 days to get to the town by train! Do you know how long it would take on foot?" Lucy stated, obviously annoyed.

"3 DAYS?!" Natsu exclaimed. The poor guy would be dying before we got there.

"I could always knock you out." Erza said, a devious look in her eyes.

"I'd rather be sick." He said, giving up.

***on the train before it leaves***

"Ok you guys. We have 2 bunks, but they're pretty big. So me and Erza will be in one, and you two in the other." Lucy stated matter-of-factly.

"What about me?!" Happy asked

Oh, um, about that, you see-" Lucy started before Erza cut her off.

"Happy will be staying in the luggage compartment." She said.

"WHAT?! No way! Put Gray up there, not my little buddy!" Natsu yelled, cherishing the moments before the train started moving.

"Watch it Pyro." I spat angrily.

"Oh shut up and put your shirt back on, Pervert." He said, pouting.

"GAH!" Damn this habit. I quickly buttoned my shirt back up. "Hey wait. Where there bunks MADE for 2 people?" I questioned.

"Well.. No," Lucy said "But they're really roomy!"

I grimaced. I was not looking forward to cuddling up to a sick Natsu.

"C'mon guys, lets just find out bunks." Lucy said.

When I saw the space inside the bunk, I knew it was going to be a rough 3 days.

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