Chapter 4

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Thank you UnknowAsLife, I am glad you are reading my story and hope you enjoy it!!! I love your story by the way!!!!!!!!!!

I trotted down the stairs, earlier than normal, eager to get to school. Not that there was a guy involved with me being so eagerness. So I did change my clothes ten times before I came barreling stairs, and yes I was wearing a low cut black dress and high heeled leather boots, and I did perfect my makeup five times. Zade was worth it. Not that I was doing this for him. At least that is what I kept telling myself.

I scavenged for food for breakfast, five minutes of just standing in front of my family’s food pantry waiting for something to jump out me not that it ever did, except this time something did jump at me. The cheerios box hit me in the face, thankfully none spilled out. I grumbled in reply to being hit in the face by the Cheerios. I walked to the table and sat down, only to realize a bowl, spoon, milk, and apple juice will not appear out of thin air. Or maybe it could. I closed my eyes and scrunched my face and imagined everything in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw nothing, so I closed them again and scrunched my face once more, concentrating really hard. Yes, I know that it was not going to happen, but I can dream, right?

"You look constipated." my brother said while laughing. I opened my eyes and gave him a dirty look.

“Asshole.” I muttered under my breath.

"Excuse me?" my mom asked. I did not see my mom walk into the room. 

I gave my mom the 'I'm innocent' face. She rolled her eyes. I got up gathered a bowl, spoon, sat them down, got a glass and turned toward the fridge, which was where my brother was, pouring the last of the apple juice in his glass. That Satan worshiper drank the last of my, MY, apple juice. I will plan my revenge on him later. I stomped to my seat and began eating my breakfast, growling about how much I despised my Satan, apple drinking, and monster of a brother. All along my drive to school all I could think about was the apple juice my brother stole from me. I got out of my car and was walking on the sidewalk. I reached the gray door, to my school. Brantley High School, home of the wolfs. Fitting I know. I made my way to my green locker, reaching earlier than normal; despite my attempt of wasting time. He was at his locker, which was farther down the hallway from me. He of course was Zade. It was 6:45, and school did not start until 7:20. I picked up a book I was reading for school, it was 'Gone with the Wind'     

"What are you reading?" His honey sounding voice asked.

I held the book up for him to read the title.

"What is it about?" he asked.     

"Do you really want to know? I won’t stop talking about it once I start.”  I asked giving him a quizzical look. 

He paused, staring at me, looking taken aback. "Yes, yes I do.”    

"It's about this self-centered obnoxious, Irish girl who is madly in love with a lazy no good guy, named Ashley, who is with someone else. So she tries to make him jealous, by marrying a bunch of men who love her, that mean nothing to her."       

"Interesting, for school?"    

"Yeah. It's annoying! Why does she have to use those guys! What did they ever due to her?” He began laughing.        

"You seem very emotionally upset about this book. Do you normally react this way with books?"

"No, well yeah."

"So, you read a lot?"             

"Yeah, I love it." He smiled at me.

"Can I ask you something? Something off topic?"

'Mine', So He Thinks.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz