Chapter 6

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Working on it plan on updating today!!!! I was going to wait until the weekend but I AM CELEBRATING!!!!!!!!!! 1000 READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I have not had time to update, even though I said I would. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I hope you enjoy!

"She does not like me.” I said to Zade, as he leaned his shoulders against the locker next to mine. I was getting books out of my locker for my classes, before the bell rang. Zade was watching me, with intensity. Zade was wearing a gray, tight cotton t shirt, with denim jeans, and dark blue converse. His shirt hugged him tightly showing off all his muscles. His yummy muscles.


“Hi, Ms. Wilkons, I am Kaya Schultz. I am dating your son.”

Ms. Wilkons was a petite short women, pale skinned, brown curly hair that went in every direction, even though it went everywhere, it was still pretty. Her eyes were a deep green, that were enhances by her outfit. She wore a dark blue dress, with light blue flower prints all over it.

“It is Ms. Klaudius, my ex was Wilkons.”

“Mom.” Zade voice warned.

“Sorry. I am really sorry, I did not mean to offend you at all. I am so sorry.” I was nervous. I felt myself getting hot. Oh my I was messing this up. I should have asked her what she want to be called.

“Why would she know Ma.” Zade snapped “Show her more respect.” He growled.

His mom stood there looking at me. Looking me up and down, deciding whether I was worthy of her son. I was not, he was so amazing, nice, sweet, caring, and the list could go on. I was not. I cannot even cook, without burning something.

“I care about her.” His voice shouted. “And if you cannot have the decency to at least speak with her, you can leave the room.”

She looked at him.

“She is my mate.” He roared. His wolf surfacing.

Her eyes widened in surprise. She looked back at me, and she probably saw a worried face.

With that she left the room.


He frowned remembering how things had went. His eyes began turning black, which met his wolf was arising.

“She does not matter.” He growled

I put all my essentials in my bag. It did matter. I wanted her to like me. I wanted her to be accepting of me, of us. I could not argue that with Zade, not while his wolf surfaced. I do not know that he would understand.

“When are you going to meet my family?” I asked.

His eyes got wide, and he suddenly was turning red. He was nervous. Awww that is so cute!

“Um, Ugh when you introduce me to them.” I smiled. I will have to arrange that to be soon.
Changing the topic I asked about his pack.

“How is that pack of yours?” I asked. It took him a while to respond.

“I am not suppose to talk about it, babe. Sorry. It is against the rules.” He pecked my hand. A look of frustration crossing his face.

“Well can I know if they are nice?”

“Yeah they are great guys.”

“Of course they are, you’re their Alpha.”

He gave me a playful shove. Which made me go into a fit of giggles. I pecked his cheek. 

People began chanting and cheering.

"Fight!" Someone screamed.

"He is getting his ass kicked!" Another guy shouted.

Zade snarled. "I have to go deal with that. Sorry." He growled, the pecked my cheek.

Zade left to go see what was going on. I could see Zade at the far right of the crowd, struggling to get through. I being smaller could weave my way through with ease. There were two guys fighting. The one beating the other up, was tall, brawny, black hair and brown eyes. His skin was olive, aside from his red fists. His name was James. At least according to the crowd cheering him on, and the girl beside him pleading for him to stop.

"James please stop." She sobbed. She was all as well. She had similar features to James. They looked like brother and sister.

The guy losing was a small sized, brunette boy, covered in his own blood. His blue cotton shirt, was no longer blue, it was red. He was against the locker getting the life beat out of him. This was not right. James was a werewolf, his scent was strong. Zade was his alpha, Zade's scent mixed in James's. Werewolf’s had a trace of their alphas scent amongst their own, to help identify their alpha to other packs.

I stepped forward, my goal to stop the fight. But a pair of strong arms grabbed me making me no longer available to move forward.

"Don't." A deep voice ordered me.

I yanked myself out of his hold, then pivoted myself to face the person who grabbed me.

He was hot. Tall, muscular, and very toned. He was blond with straight hair that barely peeked over his eyes. His eyes were the color of the ocean. A deep blue, that told a story.

He wore a dark blue short sleeve shirt that showed off his muscles. He had a black design tattoo that were swirls, all intertwining together along his right arm.

"What, I should let him take advantage of him?" I growled.

"Zade has it handled." His deep voice replied.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"

"I am not, I am trying to keep you safe. It is what Zade wants, and what he ordered the pack to do."

"Ordered the pack!" I snarled, my voice getting higher with each word.

"He is your mate, he want's you safe."

I turned back around to see that the fight was over. Zade had a hold of James. The girl was apologizing over and over to the brunette boy. He was hunched over. Zade walked James out of school. I did not see either for the rest of the day.

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