Chapter 2

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Dedicated to Littleamericangirl I enjoyed your comment, and I love supportive, awesome fans!

I heard voices all around me. “Is she going to wake up?”

“How is this possible”

“Is she is going to die?”

"She is strong. Nothing can kill Kaya." my best friend Liza said.

Where was I? What was Liza doing here, wherever here was? What is going on?

 I felt glued down. I was in too much pain to move. A whimper escaped from my mouth.

"She is waking up." Rafe, my best friends boyfriend said.

I opened my eyes to see a bunch of people staring at me. In surprise, horror, and disgust.

I was lying on a beige colored couch. Stitched up, and in new clothes, covered by a knitted blanket. Rafe was sitting on the armrest right above my head. Rafe was twenty, tall, muscular, hot, tan, brown eyed, and long brown haired guy.  My best friend Liza eighteen, has long blond straight hair, thin waist, long legs, clear white skin, and blue eyes. She was sitting on the floor, near my head. Making it hard to turn my head in her direction.

"What happened?” I moaned.

Several moments of silence went on. Then Rafe was the first to answer.

“You were attacked.”

“No duh.” I muttered. Instantly feeling bad for saying it.  Rafe was a great guy. He just stole my best friend from me all the time.

“Leave him alone. He is trying to help you.” Liza snapped at me.

“Sorry Rafe.”

Rafe nodded his head, acknowledging my apology. “I am sorry too.”

I gave him a confused look, “Sorry for what?”

“You were attacked by a werewolf, Kaya.”

This was some sick joke. I get attacked by some animal, nearly die, and he has the damn nerve to tell me I was attacked by a man who can freaking turn into a wolf, what is this Alice In Wonderland? My blood pressure was rising with my rage, I could feel my face getting hotter, and I felt something stirring inside of me.

“Yeah, and I am sure I am a vampire slayer.”

“Kaya.” Liza warned.

“What! He is telling me I was attacked by a werewolf!” I scream.

“You were. Rafe, you and I are one as well.”

“Prove it.” I growl.

Liza stood up. I was able to actually see her now. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She wore blue jeans, black converse, and a red tank top.

She closed her eyes and squinted. Her body started becoming blurry. I blinked to get a better look at her, but by that time there was a wolf in her place.


Rafe cut me off, “She will be right back she has to go change.”

I gave him a confused look. Did she not just change a second ago.

“She has to change back. The clothes get ripped during the change. When we change back were naked.” I looked back to where the wolf was a minute ago, but it was no longer there.

"Who changed me?" I asked.

Liza appeared and answered, "We do not know.  It was a rogue."

I shot up in anger, and then healed over, gasping in pain. I held my stomach.  I started panting.

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