II. Heresy

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The silence after Evonne's words lasted for a minute. Relie had no reply she cared to give. She did not want to invest more into the world knowing her time was almost up. The feelings of indignation that Evonne arose in her would hurt her later when she eventually walked into that cave alone -- when she had to leave behind her life as Relie.

In any case, Evonne did not seem to expect an answer from the young girls. However uncomfortable they were at her statement, she was at her complete ease. Her words might be considered heretical, for in the past any criticism against the dragon or the practice of the sacrifice had been punishable by death or confinement. Daegan had told her stories of such instances. Relie tried to curb the emotions that wanted to rise, but she could not help but feel admiring of Evonne's daring to risk such words.

It was Devany who spoke first. "I agree," she said.

The black-haired girl did not look at her former friend as she said it, but Relie stared at her, startled. Had Devany really just uttered those two words? Did she care after all? Relie's heart swelled within her breast, and she felt her throat close. Too many feelings, Relie thought to herself sternly. She was supposed to be releasing those, putting them as far from herself as the Beyond was from the Land of Aurelia. She didn't need any more things tying her to life. Right now all she needed was Daegan.

Evonne looked at Devany steadily. "She's your friend?"

Devany nodded.

Relie sucked in her breath. They talked about her like she was a ghost already, but maybe a clock with only seven days left was not enough to be substantial.

"I know how you feel," Evonne said. Something about her light eyes, of the palest, marbled green, captivated Devany, judging by the way the girl couldn't look away.

"Lady Evonne, would you like to sup with me and my family tonight?" Devany asked. There was a blazing look in her eye, like some fire had ignited within her. "You can talk to my father."

Captain Darcy was technically in charge of the guardian more that the process of being sacrificed, and the guardian just happened to be his son as well, so he held double the authority over Daegan. However, he held an important and powerful position aside from the sacrificing, and Relie could hardly fathom Evonne's eagerness to confront him, if that's what the gleam in her eyes signified.

"I am not quite a lady, but I would be honored," Evonne said.

Relie looked out at the crowd. The guests were in groups, speaking loudly and freely. She supposed the free drinks helped dissolve their inhibitions.  Deagan had never acted like them, and she wondered ignorantly which behavior -- serious or loose -- was more normal. The majority of the guests knew whose house it was that they were at. It was common knowledge that Daegan was the guardian. None seem bothered by it, though -- not like Evonne was.

As her eyes roved restlessly over the crowd, her ears only halfway listening to Devany giving the details on what time dinner would be served, Relie noticed her stepsister in the crowd. She felt a pang that Aretha, who she had never gotten along with, had showed, but her father had not. It was true her father, Lex, had not visited her at all in the last year and his visits had been increasingly infrequent since he had married and Aretha had become his stepdaughter, but Relie had hoped that he would show... She would not get to say goodbye to him now.

He had once considered her as beloved as any child could be. He had even left his fishing business in White Hawk to move into a house in Astra, just to be near her; but Lex had a new family now. He was far away from her in White Hawk.

As she stared at Aretha, the older girl must have felt Relie's eyes upon her and turned. Aretha had been speaking to one of Daegan's friends from Guard School.  Daegan had never attended it, though it was it was the dream of his heart to do so and be like his father. His duties as guardian made it impossible for him to pursue a normal career.

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