Chapter One

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This is my first story so feel free to give some constructive criticism.

Percy's POV

Today's the day! I'm so excited. It's like going to Elysium and seeing a blue cookie buffet! And then, I would eat those cookies and they'd be so amazing! That'd be awesome. But I'm gonna do something even more awesome than that! Oh my gods. I can't keep it in any longer. I took a deep breath and walked forward.

Piper was the first one I see as I entered camp. Mentally I was exhausted. I just had a two-week quest away from camp. But now I was just bursting with adrenaline. Ha ha, very funny, Percy Jackson used a big word we get it. "Pipes! Is it ready? Is everything set? Oh Styx, what if something bad happens? I'm gonna screw it all up and then Annabeth's gonna kill me." Piper looked surprised to see me.

She shot me a sad smile and motioned me over to the side. "It's all ready and everything's fine. It's just, while you were gone, a lot of things happened. Leo's funeral, a new camper. Thing's like that. But umm... Something changed, and you're not gonna like it."

Now I was just confused. I know it's kinda hard to get things into my Seaweed Brain head, but this was a new low. I looked at Piper suspiciously and asked her the billion drachma question, "What kind of things?"

She still had that guilty look in her eyes when we heard someone screaming and then an explosion near the lake. I looked her over once more before shooting off towards the noise.

A scorching crater had been opened up in the beach. It was still pouring out smoke. I uncapped Riptide and pushed my way through the campers, who'd gathered in a circle around the pit. "Is anyone in there?" I asked. A messy head of black curls popped up from the edge of the hole. He had a goofy grin plastered on his face and my jaw dropped to the ground. It wasn't til he spoke that I actually believed it was happening.

"HELLO CAMP HALFBLOOD! MCSCHIZZLE IS BACK!" Leo shouted out to the crowd, who still looked like a monstrous zombie shot out of the ground. In a way, one did. "Um," Leo stuttered scratching his head, "Is there no one in this fine camp who are even a little happy to see me. Oh, that's just cold, cuz Leo McSchizzle is HOT!" He shot us a smile and I broke out of my daze.

I walked up to him and he just smiled like the Cheshire Cat, "Perce! My man! At least I know someone in this world cares. It's so great to be ba-" He was cut off by me punching him in the gut. "Hey... uh... Perce, have you been working out?" He wheezed, clutching his mid section.

I finally smiled, "Leo! Where've you been? Dude, everyone's missed you. But you know, you were supposed to crash your own funeral, bro..." I trailed off as another figure crawled out of the still smoking crater.

"Leo. It would be nice to have a little help over here." Leo rolled his eyes in annoyance and walked to help her out of the pit. "Yeah, yeah, Sunshine. Just having some quality time with my bro." He winked at me, my whole body still frozen in shock.

Calypso's eyes landed on me and she looked angry. Like Annabeth when I rip up her blueprints angry. For the record, that was only one time. It was totally not my fault. She was the one who put them on top of my blue cookies. She marched up to me and I started stuttering, "I'm so sorry. After the Titan War I made the gods swear on the River Styx. I thought they would actually do it. I'm so so so so-" I was cut off by her finger on my lips. She smiled sweetly. "I know Perce. I know you tried. And I'm so grateful to be off that stupid island." Then she slapped me. It didn't exactly hurt all that bad. I mean, when you're a Seaweed Brain and your girlfriend is Annabeth, let's just say a lot of maiming happens. I was just in complete shock. "And that's for being so gullible." I watched as Calypso and Leo went to greet Piper and Jason, who just about ripped his head from his shoulders. I chuckled and raced off to find Annabeth.

I went to the Athena Cabin and knocked on the door. Malcolm, Annabeth's brother, answered the door. I grinned, trying to look past him, "'Sup, Malcolm. Annabeth here?"

His eyes showed shock, just like Piper. Hm. I wonder what's going on today. Maybe it's just a Monday thing. Everyone hates Mondays. "N-n-no. She went to the beach. I probably wouldn't go there though. She's in one of her moods." He said it all really quick, like he was hiding something. It probably didn't matter though. I was going to do something amazing.

I raced on the sand, looking for Annabeth's princess blonde curls. I literally felt my eyes light up when I saw her. It was like Apollo drove the sun through my eyeballs. That probably wasn't even possible. But then again, me getting an awesome girl like Annabeth wasn't possible either. And look where I am now, about to propose to the love of my life. Oops. Spilled the secret. It doesn't matter. By tonight's campfire, everyone will know.

I walked around the bend, the ring heavy in my pocket. "Annabeth! I'm back!" She didn't respond, just kept doing whatever the Hades she was doing. Typical Annabeth. One of the downsides of dating an Athena girl. It must be something great. Or not so great. But still!

"Annabeth?" I saw what she was doing. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I felt all of those pieces impaling my soul. My eyes teared up. "Annabeth?" I asked again.

She jumped away from the guy, her eyes showing panic and guilt. "P-Percy?"

The guy she'd been kissing looked up. "So this is what it feels like to see the great Percy Jackson, blown to pieces by the new camper. Intriguing. I like it. Let's do it again." He pulled Annabeth back down into a passionate kiss. Those million pieces each broke into a billion pieces.

This time Annabeth pulled away. "Look, Perce, it's not what it looks like!" She pleaded with me and I just turned my back on her. Turned away from the girl who'd irreparably shattered my heart. "No! Percy. Give me another chance."

I looked back at her, tears flowing freely down my cheeks. "To what, Annabeth? Cheat on me again? Today's our anniversary. Today's my birthday. Some present." I pulled the ring out of my pocket and opened the box, hearing her gasp. "Today was also supposed to be the best day of my life. Remember 'As long as we're together', Annabeth?" Tears started streaming from her eyes, one drop at a time, "Remember what happened right after that?" I shook my head, "I loved you. And you threw it in my face. I'd always thought you were out of my league. I didn't think you'd cheat, though. Maybe your new boyfriend has travelled across the country for you. Maybe he fell into hell for you. Probably not."

The new guy interrupted me angrily, "I'm so much better than you, Jackson. Without training, I took out a hellhound all by myself! I'm the son of the Big Three! Brayden Tuckerman, Son of Zeus, maybe you've heard of me. I bet you couldn't have even beat a snail with two weeks worth of training.

I ignored him. Instead, I continued, "You know what I did to get this? I spent seven days in Tartarus and another six holding the sky so that I could prove to your mom that I deserve you. All for nothing." I threw the ring into the canoe lake and ran towards my cabin, passing campers who looked at me with pity. I knew they'd heard the whole thing. I'd pity myself too.

I buried my face in my pillow and cried myself to sleep.

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