Night Fifty

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It's the day before tour. Scott and I just got home from running a few errands. We already brought our stuff to the studio and loaded them up on the tour bus. Then we said goodbye to Wyatt and brought him to the breeder where he would stay while we were on our longest tour leg we've ever been on. Almost two months. Granted our set is shorter since we're only supporting Kelly, yet it's going to be a long stretch.

"Are you staying or going to Avi? I'd want to invite Alex and... you know, we'd like to..." he starts.

I chuckle. "You want to stay up all night and go at it like rabbits?" I state. "Be my guest, I'll just pack up the rest of my stuff and then I'll be on my way. Avi and I are going to have a quiet night in."

Scott raises a non-existing eyebrow. "A quiet night in?"

I nod. "Yep. We have another bath bomb left and there will be a couple of episodes of Game of Thrones and cuddles and everything."

"Sounds fun" Scott comments.

"Mmhm... We both don't want everyone to find out so couple time will be cut short with all the crew staff and cameras being around. But I don't mind at all. We do have a few nights in hotels and maybe we'll steal a moment or two on the tour bus. But apart from that it'll be band time" I conclude. "Anyway, I'll get my stuff and then I'll be on my way. I wish you a great night. Tell Alex I said hi. He's going to take you to the studio tomorrow so I can say goodbye?"

"He will. I'll get up and take a shower. Have fun with Avi, your bath and Game of Thrones. See you tomorrow!"

"Yep, bye Scottie." I watch him run up the stairs amused and shake my head. Time to get out of here. I quickly check my small overnight bag for everything and take a last look around my room before I head out and get into the car to drive over to Avi.


"So this one really is without glitter?" Avi asks once more. We're currently in his bathroom and about to take a long, hot bath. Everything is prepared. There are candles, soft music, wine and us. We had a nice dinner before and planned on settling down on the sofa after the bath.

I nod and take the bath bomb. "I know this one. It's non-glittery and smells sweet like cocoa and Shea Butter." Carefully I let it slide into the bathtub, watching it dissolve. I look over my shoulder when Avi comes up behind me and smile up at him.

"Sounds... sweet" he says softly and places a soft kiss on the side of my neck. "Let's get in, it's already smelling heavenly."

He lets go off me and climbs into the bathtub. I wait until he's sitting comfortable, then get in front of him and lean against his chest. 

"Mmmhm, comfortable" I mumble and close my eyes.

"Yep, the perfect way to spend the last night at home, isn't it?" Avi agrees and puts an arm around my waist to hold me close.

"Mmhm" I only hum and lay my head down on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss this. Just being able to go home in the evening to be to ourselves."

"Babe, we got together while we were touring" Avi returns.

"I know, I know. But back then we were in hotel rooms every single night, we were able to be alone if we'd wanted to. Being on the tour bus will be different." I sigh. "The small bunks definitely don't fit both of us and I don't want to like cuddle and everything in front of our three friends who happen to have their partners at home, you know?"

He kisses my cheek once more. "I know what you mean. Tour life is just going to be so much fun. It always is. But there won't be much time for us" he concludes. "So we should make the time we have to each other count."

I chuckle softly. "We will. And if it's just an hour of staying up in the lounge and cuddling when everyone else is asleep or a date on one of our days off it will be okay."

"I'm glad that we're on the same page here. And you're still okay with not yet telling everyone? I mean I was the one who proposed it" Avi adds.

I smile. A few days ago we've talked to Esther, Jonathan and the rest of the band about our relationship and how we're going to deal with it regarding official outings and the fans. And while everyone is supporting us openly and whatever decision we would make, Avi said that it would probably be better to not tell everyone just yet.

"No, Daddy, you were right. This tour is about Pentatonix supporting Kelly Clarkson and not about the two of us coming out as a couple. Time will tell how when it will be the right moment to do so and well, I want to be really sure that we're both in. You know our shippers out there. They'll go absolutely crazy" I joke.

"Well and the Scömìche shippers will be in a state of total denial" Avi picks up my joking and chuckles lowly.

"Yeah, but they're all lovely. They'll be accepting" I conclude and close my eyes again. "Now enough of the fans. Tonight it's us."

"Yes it is and I wouldn't miss it for the world. But... would you mind skipping Game of Thrones? I'd rather stay here until the water isn't hot enough to be comfortable and head to bed afterwards?" Avi wants to know.

"To bed? Are you already that tired?" I ask and try my best to sound totally oblivious.

"Well, you of all people should know that there are many things that could happen in that bed that don't include sleeping..." he returns and I don't need to look at him to know that he's wearing that sexy smirk on his face.

Never the less I decide to tease him further and turn to look at him innocently. "Are there? Well maybe you need to remind me of those things?"

"Oh, Babe, believe me, I will do exactly that and you won't forget it this time." His signature smirk is a little bit over the top and I have to bite back a laugh.

"So... the water has gone cold quickly this time hasn't it? Time to get out of the tub" I state and slowly rise, making sure that he get a full view of my body.

The gasp coming from him is enough to tell me that he's enjoying what he sees. I get out of the bathtub and make a quick job of drying off my body. He does the same and then picks me up bridal style. I sling my arms around his neck and let myself be carried over to the bedroom, where he takes care of me in every way possible. It's soft and sweet and he leaves me breathless and makes sure that I'd always remember this night.

"I love you, Big Daddy" I mumble later, when he spreads out the sheets over our tired bodies and cuddle up closer against his strong chest.

Avi smiles down at me. "And I love you, my sweet Queen."


A/N: No smut this time. Sorry but I just wanted to get them on the road because there will be some things happening. Will they be good? Will they be bad?

You're bound to find out ;)

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