Chapter 1

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"Come on, Slow Poke!" I exclaimed, riding the back of Ava, who was in Horse form. I didn't look behind me, knowing that my sister was on Mal, and they were catching up to us. A grin was on my face while I rode, glad that I had a friend that trusted me in her other form and let me ride her.

The summer, afternoon sun pounded against my bare shoulders, just as Ava's hooves pounded the ground while she picked up speed. Our breaths were coming in slight pants, from the excessive running that we had done.

It had been seven months since I had trained to become the next part of my forms as well as accepting the fact that I was the Alamair, and it was my duty to make sure that everyone was respectful to the other clan. That had taken some time to get used to, but I was glad to see that the clans here were getting along with each other. They had more respect than they had had in the past, and I was proud to say that I had been the reason why.

"We are going to get you!" Julie yelled, over the wind, breaking me over my thoughts. Teasing filled her voice, and I could tell that there was a smile in it. "Or Brody will!"

I glanced down to see my brother trying to keep up with us causing me to laugh. "See ya at the gate, Brody!" I exclaimed, leaning forward a bit. I laughed a bit more when I heard Brody groan and knew that he wasn't going to raise us.

Ava let out a horsey laugh before starting to run faster than she had been. She lengthened out her neck, and I was glad to feel the muscle underneath her hind, just like it had with Sauda.

My heart clenched in pain when I thought about my friend and the very first "horse" that I had ridden. I missed her, Matthew, and well everyone from that clan whom I had grown close to. I forced a smile on my face when I spotted my older brother at the edge gate, knowing that he would pick up on my sudden mood change. I didn't want to worry him any more than I had done in the past.

Ava stopped in front of him, and I was glad that I was prepared for her sudden stop. "You know, I could get hurt if you keep doing that," I scowled, teasingly causing Ava to nip at my boot.

"Well, get off of my back then," she said, her blue eyes shining with happiness. She shook out her body, while I held on. "And don't think that I didn't notice your mood change."

I rolled my eyes and hopped off of Ava's sweaty, palomino back. I silently cursed her, knowing that she had said that to get my brother interested in why I had gotten upset. "Ya, I was just thinking." I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling sheepish about my private thoughts.

"What were you thinking about?" John asked, moving a hand through his beard. He smirked, his lips disappearing into it. "Going to miss my beard?"

"What? Are you finally going to shave it off?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He grunted and nodded his head. "It's too hot," he complained. "Now, what were you thinking about?"

I sighed and stuffed my hands into my pocket. My heart started to break apart because I missed Matt and how he had made me feel. "Matt hasn't called me in a while..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, hating the fact that I felt and sounded like a "clingy" girlfriend. "And I just really, really, really miss him and the rest of the clan that helped me become who I am today."

John nodded his head in understanding. He pulled me into a hug, and I let myself embrace my older brother's warmth. "He'll call," he promised. "I know he will." He rubbed my back, while I tried to get my emotions under control.

"What's the matter?" Julie asked, sliding off of Mal's back and going over to us. "Martha?" she asked, worried for my well being. She placed her hand on my back before "stealing" me into a hug with her.

Seven months ago, I would've been surprised when she showed the fact that she had cared about me. However, after my disappearance, my fam- well siblings - seemed to show that they have cared for and loved me, just not knowing how to show them to me. They showed me their emotions and the fact that they were human, which I was surprised about.

"She misses Matt," John answered.

"And Colt, Carter, Tasunke, Sauda, Adrich, and Ms. Kathy," I added, saying the names of the people that had made a huge impact on my life. I pulled back from Julie before looking at Ava and Mal. "No offense to Rangok, but I care about his brother more." A smirk appeared on my face when Ava snort.

"I won't tell him that," she teased. "I'm sure that he will be hurt, however."

I pouted and looked at the hill behind us. A frown appeared on my face when I sa- thought I saw- the red coat of Tasunke. I blinked and rubbed my eyes hoping to see him. However, the red coat of Tansuke was gone, and I couldn't help but feel sad about it.

"Are you alright?" John asked, causing me to look up at him. Worry filled his eyes, and I couldn't help but think I saw a bit of happiness in them. That emotion was replaced with concern, causing me to frown.

"Ya, I just thought I had seen Tasunke, but I think I was mistaken." I ran a hand through my hair. "Ava and Mal tired me out." I ducked underneath Ava when she went to pull at my hair and stuck my tongue childishly. "Hey!" I exclaimed when Mal nipped at my butt. "That is for Matt." I smacked him on his nose, causing him to chuckle.

John snorted and shook his head. "Too much info, Sis," he teased. "I do not need to know what you do in the bedroom."

I shook my head, smiling. "I haven't done anything just yet." I moved a hand through my hair and sighed, again looking at the hill. I couldn't help but frown when I saw the red coat of Tasunke. "Pinch me," I said. "I think I'm dreaming." I yelped and swatted at Julie when she pinched me. "What was that for?" I asked.

"You told me to pinch you," Julie replied

I frowned and rubbed my arm, pouting. "I wasn't being serious," I muttered, still looking in the area that I had seen Tasunke. However, I didn't see him but a chestnut coat that I knew so well. I rubbed my eyes and blinked, trying to make sure that it wasn't the sun playing tricks on me. "Matt?" I asked, causing my siblings and friends to look where I was looking at.

The horse reared and whinnied before running down the hill. As he got closer, I could see that it was in fact, Matt.

A grin appeared on my face, and I started to run towards him. "Matt!" I exclaimed, love and relief filling my voice. I rammed into him and flung my arms around his neck. A small sob escaped my lips because I had missed him so much.

Matt whickered and hugged me with his neck. "Hello, Martha," he whispered.  

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