Eventually, down time came and she dragged herself up the stairs and into the servant's quarters. She flopped herself down on her bed a moment, ready to pass out. Then rembered she had to stay awake. She begrudgingly pulled herself from the mattress and changed into her night clothes, for illusion mostly. She didn't want anyone to know what she was up to, after all.

After everyone was fast asleep, or she hoped, she slipped silently from bed and slipped into her clothes that she had appeared there in. Then she silently left the room and padded down the stairs. Everyone seemed to be asleep, the castle was silent. She rounded a corner and found Dirthamen speaking silently with Andruil. She pulled back quickly. She would have to find her way around. Her mind worked. She looked around, there was no other way there.

Unfortunately, time ran short. She heard footsteps walking her way. She looked around quickly for somewhere to hide, and saw only an arm chair. Quickly, she ran and squatted down behind it. She held her breath as they passed, still mumbling quietly to one another. She watched their backs as Dirthamen held the door to his study open from her. Then he disappeared behind it as well.

She let out her breath and rose from her hiding spot. Quickly, she crossed the room and peeked around the corner again, in case any others may be waiting to catch her. No one was there.

She walked on silently. She found the Eluvian exactly where she rembered it to be. She passed through the glass easily, and walked with confidence on the paved path, she wasn't sure where she was going, just that she was going away. For a moment she halted her stride and looked back, panicked. She had no weapon, what if she was attacked? Then she remembered the fire that had shot from her hands in her dreams and wondered if they would come here as well.

She looked to her hands. She willed fire to form and a little poof of flame formed on the palm of her hand. She almost jumped out of her skin, it was so strange. She threw her hand down and walked on. She hoped that none attacked, she also hoped she wasn't noticed to be missing.

She was not so lucky.

She walked onwards a few moments, trying to remember where she had came from. Trying to remember the correct turns to make, but she could not. She had been afraid when June had dragged her through this area before, and thus had not been keeping up with directions. She furrowed her brow in frustration. Suddenly anger boiled under her skin, this wasn't fair. This wasn't okay. She was the Inquisitor, the savior of Thedas, but here she was little more than a servant. It was beyond frustrating.

She stomped on, fire burning under her skin, giving her anger a new intensity. She turned a corner on the path quickly, and ran into someone. They collided hard enough to knock her back a few steps. She looked up to see the one who crossed her path. When her eyes came up to see his face, the flames of her anger dissapated.

"What are you doing?" Solas asked her with accusing eyes.

"Going home. Or trying."

He arched his eyebrow questioningly. "Dirthamen's Temple is that way." He nodded back the way she had came.

"No. I'm not going back there." She stated, and realized that it was true. She had no intention of returning there, even if she couldn't find her way home.

"No? Where will you go then?" He asked.

"Back to the present." She started walking again, dedicated to her mission. Fen'Harel followed.

"Do you know where you are going?" He asked pointedly.

"Yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm a time travel professional." Rihari said sarcastically. He chuckled softly, but saw she was still dedicated to her action.

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