Miss You (Ruechari)

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 Miss You

Her eyes were blue

Or were they green

I starting to forget

Or so it seems

I remember her smile

Her gentle way

I remember I'd sing

"Happy Birthday" today

She's been gone

So very long

but today I sing

That very song

She taught me to laugh

She taught me love

She taught me there was someone

Watching from up above

Together we'd play Rummy

We'd play Gin

When I caught her cheating at Fish

She gave me a sheepish grin

She told me her dreams

Of things she wanted

She never achieved

Her life was stunted

Today is her birthday

She'd be Ninety-three

It is a day, it's a shame

She will never see

Still I miss her

Our Poker nights

My sleep overs

Her radiant light

I love you Gram

I know where you are

For you live in my heart

So you're never far

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