Just One More Day (lyttlejoe)

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Just One More Day 

Another journey through my thoughts

a hodgepodge of forget-me-nots

that seem to surface now and then

when melancholy strikes

It's a task I chose to do

something to see through

until the end she knows is coming,

a prospect she dislikes

Even tho' there's no recall

I know that she will miss it all

the children's laughter, hugs and smiles,

all those treasured moments time consumes

There are nights I simply sit and stare

fighting just how difficult it is to care

when nothing that I do makes sense

In these take a number waiting rooms

Meds and therapies, a package of false hope

day care aid to help me cope

my life I'd give for one more day

to have her whole and hear her say...

'Hi hon, what's on our menu for today?'

This is a personal plea for my partner, best friend and wife of 58 years who, while still alive, is gradually leaving me with no hope for recall. She has advanced Alzheimer's that we have been battling for 4 years. I know that she knows it's terminal.

too SoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang