Chapter 21

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Taika's P.O.V

"Just keep an eye on her." I tell Will through my phone and hang up.

"How is Lux?" Sebastian asks me. He's been worrying about her all day.

"Will said that she was sleeping. Undertaker said that Jason dropped by. Lux had stormed off to her room. That's when she fell asleep."

Sebastian's eyes flash. I smack him on the arm, not hard. "Not here."

Third hour had just ended, so now it's lunch. I'm walking with Nina, Claude, Ronald, Sebastian, Alois, and Ciel to the courtyard. When we get there, Kim and Grell are already there.

'Well, today's going better than expected. No one's gotten in trouble or been bothered.' Of course, it's just the calm before the storm.

Rachel walks up to us. "Hey Sebastian. I don't see your 'girlfriend' here. Did she already leave you?"

"Lux is home sick." I say. 'Author! Let me swear!' "I suggest you leave. Like, now."

"I can be here if I want. This is a public place, after all." She moves closer to Sebastian. 'I swear this girl could be the long lost twin of the blonde brat.' Sebastian keeps telling her that he has no interest, but of course she doesn't listen to a word he says.

"Keep away from my Bassy!" Grell screeches. He goes to pounce, but Kim grabs him by the collar of his shirt.

"Okay, the one time we actually want him to pounce on someone. Really?" I sigh.

"Is this girl dense or what?" Ronald asks.

"Who knows." Ciel responds.

I walk over to Rachel. "Look, you can get away from us now, or one of us is gonna walk away seriously injured. Hint: that would be you." I growl.

"Why do you care so much about him anyway? Aren't you Ciel's girlfriend?"

"I don't stinkin' care about any of that right now. You are making me irritated with your stupid, pathetic, petty, spoiled, bratty act."

She attempts to slap me. Keyword: attempts. I move aside so she swipes the air.

"Huh, looks like I can fight back as self defense now." I smile. I back-hand her, which sends her into the tree. She gets up and fights back by kicking and punching. Her attacks are sloppy and poor.

I dodge a punch she throws. I grab the wrist of the arm she used to punch me. I pull and send my knee into her gut. She drops, clutching her stomach.

The bell rings. We walk away, leaving Rachel lying in the grass. "Should we just leave her there?" Alois asks.

"Eh, she should be fine by the end of this week. If not, by the end of this month. Trust me when I say this is probably the least amount of damage I can cause, that or this is a new low."


Lux's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of footsteps in the main hall. I get up and wrap a blanket around myself. I walk into the main hall to find everyone home.

"Everyone came back in one piece, so I'm guessing today went by without any problems." I say.

"You could say that." Taika says.

"What happened?"

"Well, Rachel started to flirt with Sebastian again, so..." She trails off. I start laughing.

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