Chapter 8

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Lux's P.O.V
    I wake up and stretch. 'Huh, no one's started fighting. I wonder what- OH SHOOT!' It's 9:47am and I'm supposed to be at the school with everyone at 10:00am. I jump out of bed and throw on shorts, a random shirt, flip-flops, and my Pikachu hoodie. I grab my backpack and run only to collide with the door.

    "Oww." I open it this time and then run to the main hallway, where everyone who's going to school is luckily waiting.

    "Everyone ready?" I ask. They nod in reply.

    I walk out of the house with them following. "We normally walk to school, since it isn't too far. Unless someone's running really late." 'Generally me.' "And there are rules." I go over each of the rules with them, and then some. Such as telling Grell that there's such thing as personal space.

    I open the door to the school and let everyone in. "The office is to the left." I tell Grell, who's trying to walk ahead of us.

    "Right, I knew that." I roll my eyes.

    I enter Mrs. Sanders office. "Hello." I greet.

    "It's nice to see you again, Lux." She replies.

    "Here are the people I was talking about." I point to each person as I introduce them to her. "Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Ronald Knox, Grell Sutcliff, Claude Faustus, and Alo- Hey, where'd Alois go?" I frown. I walk out to find him exploring the hallways.

    "This place is huge!" Alois exclaims. I grab his arm and practically drag him back. "Owww, that hurts!"

    "And next time it'll be your ear that I'll pull on." I threaten. "There'll be time to look around the school after introductions and paperwork." I turn back to Mrs. Sanders. "Sorry about that. This is Alois Trancy."

    "Nice to meet you 6. My name is Mrs. Sanders. I'm the principal of this school." She holds out a form for each of them. "I need you to fill this out and hand it to Lux to sign."

    "How come Lux is signing this? Don't you need a parent to sign this?" Grell asks.

    "Oh, now you're gonna be reasonable." I shake my head.

    "Normally, but Lux is the one who set all of this up." Mrs. Sanders explains.

    "I guess that makes sense." Ciel says.

    Sebastian and Claude hand me their forms at the exact same time. I look over their forms for errors and sign it. Grell hands me his next.

    "Grell, this only says 'red', except for you name." I say.

    "Exactly, because the answer to everything is a passionate red!" He posses.

    "Right. Can you put down actual information this time?" I hand it back to him.

    Ciel then hands me his. I frown at the year he put down for his birthday. I change it to the year 2000 and sign it. I end up having to change the birth year on Alois and Grell's forms. Ronald ended up okay. I hand all of the forms to Mrs. Sanders.

    "Alright then, come to the office tomorrow morning for your schedules. For now, just tour the building."

    "Come on, let's go 'cause I already know two of you're gonna get lost." I lead them out.

    "Over here is the cafeteria. One of the most common hang-out places if someone doesn't have class at the moment. Or people will go to the library or just hang out in the hall. I personally like the courtyard. There aren't a lot of people out there."

    "But what about your sensitivity to heat?" Sebastian asks.

    "I'll have on a hoodie or a hat. There are trees in the courtyard as well and, if the sun is positioned correctly, the building itself creates shade too. Umbrellas aren't common for protection against the sun nowadays."

    After I show them where the courtyard is, I show them the art wing, where the Social Studies and English classes are, where the Math and Science classes are, and where any other exploratories are.

    "Is that it?" Grell asks.

    "I think- Wait, the language hall and the athletic hall." I walk over to the language hall and show them the classrooms they'd need to know to go to. I take Chinese with Nina and Taika. Kim takes Spanish.

    "Alright, now the athletic hall. I've got Tennis currently. So, Sebastian and Alois, that means you'll both be staying after school with me." I explain while showing them the gyms, field house, and the locker rooms. "If you choose to do any sports, however, you'll be using one of the athletic locker rooms."

    I lead them back to the main doors. "Mkay, any questions?" They all shake their heads. "Then let's go to the store to get supplies. We're supposed to meet everyone there." I jump onto Sebastian's back. "To Target!"

    "Who is going to be the target?" Alois asks.

    "I vote for Trancy to be the target." Ciel says.

    "No, it's also the name of a store in this time." I instruct Sebastian how to get there and he leads everyone.


Crystal_Turquoise: I IS BACH!!!

Sorry if this chapter's formate looks weird. I'm doing this on my phone. Ugh, it's such a pain in the butt, but worth it.

Ciel: You could have updated last night.

Crystal_Turquoise: I WAS WORKING ON A NEW STORY!!!

Ciel: Are you going to publish this on Wattpad?

Crystal_Turquoise: Depends if the viewers wanna see it. *Sets Grell's chainsaw on her desk*

Ciel: Is that not-

Crystal_Turquoise: Yep. Will asked for me to hang onto it.

Ciel: Are you not afraid-

*Grell bursts through the window*


Crystal_Turquoise: I have it.

Grell: *Pulls out safety scissors* I'LL PAINT YOU RED!!!

*Crystal_Turquoise summons sword. She and Grell start fighting. The end results:*

Crystal_Turquoise: *Throws Grell out through the now shattered window* That takes care of that.

Ciel: O.O

Crystal_Turquoise: Well then, please do me one favor...

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