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Sam slept through the night not waking up again and dreaming of nothing but sakura trees blooming around him and watching clouds turn to starry skies. 

Kakashi slept just as well as Sam. 


The next day, Kakashi woke up to see Sam was still sleeping peacefully. Sam even had his head on Kakashi's chest as well as his lightly fisted hand. Kakashi smiled under his mask and softly ran his hand through Sam's soft hair. 

Sam groaned softly and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes for a bit and then looked up at Kakashi and smiled slightly. He yawned and then tried to stretch his arms but winced in pain when it hurt. 

Kakashi looked worried. "Your still hurting Sam. You want me to get you some more pain killers?"

Sam shook his head no. His throat was still slightly sore but he seemed otherwise okay besides some of the pain in his wounds. 

Kakashi sat up, gently helping Sam sit up as well. 

Sam grit his teeth when his back touched the bed where he was leaning against. 

Kakashi seen a pitcher of water and a cup beside the bed and poured a glass for Sam to drink. He gently brought the cup to Sam's lips where he drank the whole cup before going into a coughing fit that lasted about a minute. Kakashi didn't know what to do so he just let Sam cough and hoped he'd be okay.

Sam held his chest lightly wheezing slightly as the pain in his chest slowly ebbed away. He looked to Kakashi when he was done and smiled slightly even though he shouldn't even be able to smile with the pain he was in but he didn't seem to care.

Kakashi frowned slightly under his mask but sighed and gently laid Sam back down on the bed carefully avoiding his wounds. 

Sam's eyes were half open but he watched Kakashi move off the bed and go to the door to get a nurse to check on his ribs. Sam closed his eyes and drifted back into sleep.

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