Hello... where the hell am I?

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Samaus screamed and thrashed as the doctors tried to set his leg back.

They had strapped him down on the bed and the best doctor had gotten some anbus to keep him down while they fixed the leg.

They even got the hokage Tsunade to heal him.

Tsunade gave him a sedative to keep him still and to knock him completely out.

She fixed his leg to where it could heal by itself slowly as it was now healed to a hairline fracture.

With Samaus' leg now in a cast, she focused on his side injury that was bleeding all over the bed they put him on to work.

Tsunade thought it strange that the boy had a wound she wasn't familiar with.

She frowned but fixed him up again.

After she was done she ordered everyone out and put a hospital gown on him cause they cut off his pants so he was naked besides his boxers.

She sighed and sat down waiting for him to wake.

Shizune walked into the room with Kakashi. "Lady Tsunade, Kakashi has came to see how the boy is."

Tsunade nodded and looked up at the silver haired man. "Do you think you can get the kid some clothing for after he gets out of here?"

Kakashi nodded after looking at the boy. "He looks to be almost twenty. I'll get something for him to wear. Do you want me to get Inoichi and Ibiki?"

Tsunade thought about it. "Yes. Go ahead and get them. He'll be awake in less than an hour with the drugs I gave him."

Kakashi nodded and shunshined away to the interrogation corps.

Samaus' hand twitched slightly as he was in a dream. It was the same dream had been having a lot lately. He hated it with a passion. His breathing became fast and his body that was still in the bonds of the straps on the bed twitched. His head the only thing able to move as it tossed and turned side to side. His sleeping face full of fear and dripping with sweat. He mumbled in his sleep. "No... didn't... not me... swear... my friend... don't hurt..." Tears were slipping down his sleeping face. He gasped and would've bolted up from his sleep if not for the straps holding him down. His eyes popped open full of fear and panic.

Samaus calmed down closing his eyes to slow his heart rate and his breathing. It took a minute or two before he reopened his eyes and looked to see a white ceiling and the smell of bleach and a lot of other medical smells. He looked towards the window and sseen unfamiliar things. He looked to his other side and seen the door. He couldn't see anyone in the room cause of where his head was on the bed. He opened his mouth and tried to call out but it sounded awfully scratchy and sore. "Hello..." He then looked back to the window confusion written on his face. "Where the hell am I?" He whispered hoarsely. He numbly looked down at the straps on him and then his leg. He sighed.

Samaus thinks to himself aloud in a whisper cause that was the only way he could talk without hurting his throat. "Kai...at least... I got to save you from falling... I wonder if... I'm either in heaven...or hell... or am I even dead yet?" He asks himself quietly completely confused.

Chuckles surrounded him and Samaus' eyes widen. "Either I'm going nuts or there is other people in the room trying to creep me out." He says hoarsely.

A woman appeared walking up to the bed in his line of vision to his side. "Your quite a strange child. Why did you fall from the sky?"

Sam blinked. "Whosa what now? I fell... from the sky... right... sure let's go with that strange lady that appeared out of nowhere." Sam then coughed from having to speak a lot with his hoarse voice.

Tsunade poured him a glass of water and let him sip some water to fix his throat.

Sam drank and laid his head back down. "Who are you? You don't look like someone who might try to arrest me for something I didn't do."

Tsunade rose an eyebrow.

Sam sighed. "Long story."

Tsunade smirked. "I've got the time. Just as much as my four friends here."

Three men and a woman came into view.

Samaus blinked. "Thats really cool."

Tsunade chuckled and undone his straps to let him sit up on the bed.

Samaus sat up and felt his stomach with wide eyes. "How..."

Tsunade smiled. "I healed your wound. The one on your leg is harder to fix so you'll need to stay here for a while."

Samaus paled. "What the hell are you? No normal person can heal people. Where on earth am I that I ended up with weirdos!" Samaus frowns and glares up at the sky. "I'm blaming you God. You brought me to a place that is freaking me out."

Tsunade, Ibiki, Kakashi, Inoichi, and Shizune wondered what was wrong with him.

Kakashi spoke up. "Before we say who we are. Why don't you tell us who you are?"

Samaus sighed. "Might as well. I'm Samaus. But you can call me Sam."

Tsunade introduced everyone. "I am Tsunade. Hokage of the village hidden in the leaves. The blonde man beside me is Inoichi and the silver haired man is Kakashi. The man in the bandanna is Ibiki and this woman on my left is Shizune, my apprentice."

Samaus blinked. "Village... Why does it sound... familiar?" He asks himself as He scratches his cheek. He sighed. "I'm sorry Tsunade. I have no idea where I am at this moment as I might be a little disoriented from falling off a cliff and almost drowning and I guess from what you guys said falling from the sky." He chuckled and looked at them. "May I rest? I feel really strange." He asks as he rubs his head.

Tsunade nods and walks out with the others.

Sam laid down and closed his eyes. "What a strange...day..." He says softly before falling into a seamless sleep.

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