the questions part two

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(I do not own naruto)

Samaus looked down sadly. "I was committed of being a murderer to my best friend when it wasn't even me. I saw the man get away and no one believed me...." Tears started to form as he blinked the memories back so he wouldn't cry in front of these strange people. "They... tried to blame me for everything... They chased me... I ran... I was shot." He unconsciously held his side where his new scar was at from the bullet wound. "Then I fell... I whole up the next day dizzy, hungry, and tired... I walked to a nearby town and thankfully found a store that sold medical supplies. I asked for gauze and I didn't expect the man to lock the door and lead me to the back room in his shop... He took care of my injury and even took me home to meet his family." He smiled sadly. "I had been there for a week and I was quite attached toto kind family. Then it happened..." Samaus looked distant and a bit fearful. "They were just playing.... Kai...He fell... off the cliff... I ran outside... and saved him... I had... tried to reach him... by climbing down... but I tripped... I broke my leg because of it... I reached out my arms and caught him before he fell into the water... He was so scared... even for me... He had seen my blood dripping as I had seen it on his cheek... I threw him up for his sister's to catch after I told him to not worry about me... I knew I was going to fall... I knew I would probably die... I didn't want to be found and brought back to my people. If I were there.... they'd kill me... after all... They think I killed the mayor's son... My best friend..."

Tsunade placed her hand on his shoulder making him flinch. She and the others could tell he was telling the truth and that deep inside he was suffering ptsd from going through with almost dieting more than once. To them he was like a young kid that was scared and trying to do something to help himself and others.

Inoichi didn't even need to look inside the young man's mind to know that he wasn't faking any information.

Ibiki seen the look on the kids face and could understand that look very much as he had seen it many times with people he interrogated.

Kakashi and Tsunade understood it because of their past experiences.

Tsunade pulled Sam into a comforting hug. She wasn't sure if she should ask what happened next. Thankfully she didn't have to ask he said it quietly crying into her hug.

"I fell... I...into...the water... I prayed... to live and see... Kai and the others again... I promised I'd come back... I... I blacked out... cause I was... drowning...Then... I seem light... before... I felt. .. like I was floating... Then pain... so much pain..." By this time Samaus was sobbing in Tsunades arms and looked like he was having a small panic attack.

Tsunade sent some chakra into him to calm him down which helped him greatly.

They watched as Samaus fell asleep slowly in Tsunade's arms after she had calmed him down.

Tsunade gently laid him back on the bed to sleep off his sorrow.

They left the room and talked about what they have learned about Samaus. They even wondered who would put him through all of that to make him a criminal when he wasn't one.

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