Samaus's morning...

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Samuas got out of the bed and winced at his injury.

He sighs and slowly takes off his shirt before going to the bathroom in his room to shower. He kept the bandage on and covered it with some tape he found in the bathroom so it wouldn't get too wet.

He takes off the rest of his clothes and sets them aside and showers.

He thinks about his dream. No... his memory...

What did he do to deserve getting chased?

He finishes showering quickly after he stands under the warm water and washing his hair. He dries himself and gets dressed back into his clothes. 

He bit his lip. 'Im gonna have to get some clothes from someone...' He thinks to himself.

He shivered slightly as he kept his shirt off cause it barely covered his upper half anyways.

Samaus opened his door and looked out it to see one of the older brothers walking towards him to go downstairs.

Samaus noticed he was the same build as him so he stopped him. "Hey. Uhm... Can I borrow some...clothes? I kinda... don't have any with me..." He says embarrassed.

The boy chuckled and threw him a bag he had in his hand. "Dad told me you would need some so I put a few pairs in the bag for you. Hope you like the color cause it's all I could find that was clean right now. Mom's doing laundry again." He sighed.

Samaus smiled. "Thanks. I'll change into them now then. Oh uhm... does your dad have anymore bandages?"

The boy sighed. "Dad said he would change your bandage when you were changed and clean so he could take care of the bandages. You got hurt bad hunh?"

Samaus nodded. He seen the boy walk away and he went inside to get dressed into something more comfortable.

He found a sleeveless green shirt and some white baggy capri pants that reminded him of something from Aladdin. He put on a green bandana and walked outside to go find the man of the house and to eat.

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