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I enter my front door and slam it so hard, I can feel the floor vibrate. I'm angry. I'm angry at myself for being so stupid. I'm angry at Stanley for running away, for triggering this guilt that's growing inside me. Before I can punch a wall, Camila is here, hugging me.
"I saw it." She says and I know that that's all she needs to say. I understand. Camila knows. What have I done? Then my thoughts begin to swirl. What have I done? Will Stanley move away to a different state? Because of me? I bury my face in my hands. What have I done? I can't be sure.
Who knows how much time passes before I wake. I'm in bed, the covers tucked around me. Camila is gone. Was it all a dream? I don't think so. It was too real. There was too much pain. I get up and check the clock. It's five o'clock. I've been asleep for an hour. I can still feel the faint chill of the dried tears on my cheeks. Then the horror comes back to haunt me.
"What have you done? You have broken him. He will leave and you will feel never ending guilt."
"Go away!" I scream at him. He's back. A dreadful feeling washes over me. No. He's not back. He's not back. But he is. I punch the wall as hard as I can. The pain is so great that I don't think I'll ever heal. I cry myself back to sleep.
I wake up at seven thirty. The first thing I feel is the pain. A warm liquid seems out of my mouth and I realize I am biting my tongue. It doesn't take a genius to know that I've broken something. My hand, maybe my wrist as well. It's dark outside and I can hardly see. I slowly get up, wincing as my hands touches the wood of my bed frame. I go to the bathroom and bandage up my hand as best I can. It's my right hand that I broke and I know it's going to be rough getting my homework done.
I walk to my bedroom window and gaze out. I see Stanley's house. It looks like every light in the house is on. I can see the silhouette of Sandor and Stanley. They seem to be in a hurry, rushing from one room to the other. Then Sandor is at the window and draws all the curtains. I sigh and try not to think about him. At that moment, I know what I must do. If I don't, I will feel regret and guilt for the rest of my life. I'll know that I was the reason Stanley left. Because somehow I know that that's what they're about to do. I grab my coat and walk out the door.
It's freezing outside. I'm halfway to Stanley's house when I wonder if I should have worn my boots. I'm wearing socks and sandals, not exactly winter-made. I walk slowly, giving myself time to turn back if I need to. I take deep breaths. Will they even answer the door? Will it be Stanley that answers? My hands shake as I hesitantly ring the doorbell.
At once, every light in the house shuts off. A shiver runs down my spine and I realize I'm not breathing. Not a sound comes from the house. It still looks completely abandoned. Nobody answers the door. That's when I see a single movement to my left. I jerk my head to see what it was. The curtains are barely wiggling as if someone had just moved them aside but then retreated. I know this is what happened. I'm beginning to feel scared. But what's there  to be afraid of?
At that moment the lights come back on and the door opens. I'm expecting Sandor, so when Stanley steps out, I'm surprised. I'm also shocked to see that he's wearing a shirt. His black hair is extremely messy and knotted, which jus makes him look all the better. His intense eyes are darting in every direction like he's expecting an attack. But who would attack him?
"Who have you brought with you?" He asks me in an urgent tone. I'm startled by his question. What does he mean? "Who have you brought with you!" He shouts, taking me by the shoulders and shaking me fiercely.
"No one! Let me go!" I shout.
I think Stanley believes that I've come alone because he lets me go and stares at the ground. "Sorry," He says. Then he sees my hand. He takes a step towards me. He looks slightly worried. "What happened?"
"I punched a wall. What was that about? Who's going to attack you?" I ask out of curiosity.
He looks at me, clearly shaken up about something. "How much do you know?" He interrogates.
"About what?" Stanley is really confusing me and I'm worried about him.
"About me." He says like it's totally obvious.
I decide to tell him. I mean, why not? "I know that you're extremely strong, like inhumanly strong. And you have telekinesis."
Stanley holds his breathe as if waiting for the finale. He's frightened and I don't want him to leave. But he asked me what I know about him and I can't tell the half truth.
"And you're an alien." I whisper. Instantly Stanley takes a step back, as if I'm dangerous.
"Who have you told?" He asks suspiciously.
"Nobody. Camila told me. She saw you use telekinesis with the rock. I saw you throw the stick." I explain to him. The whole time he keeps his distance from me. He's afraid of me. Or what I can do. "You can trust me. I won't tell anyone. But-" then I ask the question I've wanted to know ever since Camila told me about him. "Who are you?"
Stanley bites his lip. He turns his head and I realize his face is wet with tears. "I can't tell you that."
"You have to leave, don't you?" When I see Stanley's solemn expression I know I've guessed correctly. "When?" I ask him.
"About a half hour."
"A half hour?" Tears well up in my eyes and I rub my sleeve across my face. "That soon?"
Stanley nods, spreads his hands, and says, "I have to go." As if that summed everything up.
"Why?" I step towards him. This time, he doesn't step away. "What have I done?"
"It's not what you've done. It's what you know." He informs me. His voice is so sad, so hollow.
"I don't know anything." I lie. He steps towards me and I realize just how close we are. I close my eyes. He takes ahold of my hand. His touch is warm and causes me to take in a sharp breath. His lips gently brush against mine. Not quite a kiss, but enough to bring emotion.
"Goodbye, Meric." I open my eyes. He's gone.

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