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Camila is at my side the second I step onto my driveway.
"Did you see him? Did he talk to you? What's he like?"
"He's not exactly friendly. His name is Stanley." I tell her. We sit down on the pavement and stare at Stanley's house as I tell Camila all about my day at school.
Camila's mouth hangs open the entire time. When I finish, she shouts "You're in some sort of Twilight situation! You know, like, in the first movie? Bella is trying to be friends with Edward and he pretty much ignores her and then it's the other way around. Maybe Stanley will try being friends with you!"
I laugh. "I didn't even know you were allowed to watch those movies."
Camila frowns, guiltily. "I'm not." She says. Then she brightens up again. "We should go spy on him and see what he's up to!"
Strangely, I find myself agreeing, and in just ten minutes, we're laying on the grass near Stanley's house, using the binoculars to peer through the hole in the fence. The aliens in his backyard again. My mouth drops open. He's actually smiling! I grin to myself. I don't know why, but I feel proud of him. Almost as if I'm the reason he's smiling. But that's ridiculous so I dismiss the thought. Then a man walks up to Stanley and pats him on the back. He's a middle-aged man, can't be more than thirty-three. His hair is slicked back and his beard looks newly trimmed, clipped-close.
"Bravo! Bravo!" He shouts, clapping his hands. "You did it, my young ward!" Then he adds in a joking and disgusted tone, "Also, take a shower. You stink."
I wonder what Stanley accomplished. Stanley doesn't speak. He just keeps grinning as he and the older man walk inside.
"What'd ya see?" Camila asks, excitedly.
"I think that was his dad who just came outside. But they both went inside."
"Aw man!" Camila whines, smacking her forehead.
"Don't worry. We can come back tomorrow." I assure her. She smiles and says goodbye, then dashes to her house. I go home as well. I try to think about other things, but I can't. It's like my brain has a switch and it's set to Stanley Mode. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. Sure, I'd like to talk to Jay again, but this is an alien were talking about. And it's not just that. Even without the whole alien thing, I like him. A lot. I wish I didn't. It seems pretty childish. I mean, I just met him yesterday and I already have a crush on him. But it doesn't feel like a crush to me. It feels real.

The next day in science, I sit by Jay.
"Hey, how are you?" He asks politely.
"I'm Good. You?" I reply. I cannot wait until woods class!
"Fine." He frowns and immediately, I know,
"You should talk to her." I encourage him. "Do you have any classes with her?"
"No," His glum expression softens. "I see her at lunch though."
"Great. Try talking to her there. I'm sure she'll like you. Who wouldn't?"
Jay blushes. "Okay thanks, Meric."
At lunch, Jay begs me to come with him to talk to Maren. I finally comply. Boy, was Jay right. Maren is beautiful. Her Raven black hair is in a ponytail and her eyes are hazel. She's tall and slim. She glances around the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit. She ends up sitting alone at an empty table.
"This is all you, dude." I say and pat Jay on the back, gently pushing him forward. He gulps and sweat trickles down his face. "God, man. You'd think you were going cliff diving or something. Just talk to her." Jay nods rapidly and wipes his face with his sleeve. After they talk for a while, it looks like everything's going okay. Then Jay points to me and Maren waves. Jay beckons me over and I go.
"Hi," I say happily and shake Maren's hand.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you. Meric, right?"
"That's me," I say.
"Quite the friend you got here." Maren laughs and gestures to Jay, who immediately blushes. I feel happy to finally meet someone who doesn't think I'm a total freak.
"Are you new to this school?" I ask Maren. She nods and says she started two weeks ago. When I tell her I need to go eat my lunch, she smiles.
"It was very nice meeting both of you. So I guess I'll see you around?"
"Yeah, definitely."

After biology is woods. I slowly walk through the door. Stanley is nowhere to be seen. He's probably just a bit late, but I didn't see him on the bus this morning. His dad probably drives him to school and Stanley rides home on the bus. That's how it was yesterday. Since the alien is absent, Mr. Drent gives me something to help him with. After class, I board my bus.
Stanley's not there. I spend the ride wondering why he stayed home. Could he be sick? Had I offended him? Was it my fault?
I plan to ring his doorbell to see if he's okay. Maybe I'm being overprotective which sounds absolutely ridiculous considering how big and buff Stanley is. I want him to protect me. I shake my head and dismiss my selfish thoughts. When I get off at my stop I head straight for Stanley's house. Instantly, Camila's at my side, keeping pace.
"Hey!" She greets me.
"Yo," I say, throwing up a peace sign.
She laughs and raises an eyebrow. "Since when did you do gang signs?"
"I don't know," I find myself wondering the same thing. Suddenly, I feel strangely happy and excited.
Camila shrugs and goes right to the next question. "You're going to see Stanley, aren't you?"
I try to hide my blush. "Yeah, and I kinda wanted to go alone." I try not to sound like I have something to hide.
Camila's eyes narrow and she smiles mischievously. "You like him." She states matter-of-factly.
"I do not!" I protest.
Camila giggles. "It's okay. I like him too. Big time." I burst out laughing. I'm so glad I have a friend like Camila. "So," Camila says as we arrive at the alien's house. "You still wanna go alone?"
A shiver runs up my spine as I stare at the gross-looking house. "No."
Camila takes my hand. "I knew it. Come on." She pulls me up the porch steps where I hesitate, my finger hovering next to the doorbell button. Camila stabs the button before I can retreat. Why am I so nervous? We wait ten seconds, twenty, thirty, then the door creaks open. Stanley's father steps out and smiles. A warm, kind smile.
"Hello," he looks more at Camila then he does me.
Camila positions her hat side-ways, DJ style. "Yo," she says. The man laughs easily at the sight of this young eleven-year old girl acting like a DJ-gangster For a short while, no one says anything.
Then the man speaks. "We just moved in a few weeks ago. I'm sorry, do you know Stanley?"
I wait for someone to answer, then I realize he's asking me. "Oh," I snap back to my senses. "Yeah, sort of. I have woods with him but . . ."
I'm about to say that he doesn't talk much and ignores me ninety-nine percent of the time, when Camila blurts out, "He's really handsome." Then her face turns bright red, and she spreads her hands. "I mean, for a guy."
What is she talking about? I secretly step on her foot to shut her up. She quietly yelps. The man smiles. He looks like he's holding back a laugh.
"Is Stanley home?" I ask him.
"Yes, he is. But he's busy right now." He says.
"Uh, dad?" Stanley comes out from around the corner. I hold my breathe without meaning to. He's shirtless again (why does he do this to me?) and I find myself unconsciously staring at his biceps, wishing that they were wrapped around me. What am I thinking? I have got to let this obsession go.
Stanley has a confused, yet angry look on his face. As if he told me never to come ring his doorbell. As if he were to say "This is MY house. GO AWAY!"
"Hello, son." His father says kindly. There's something about the way they speak to each other. They're using robotic tones as if they're programmed to say certain things.
"What are you doing here?" Stanley is obviously not happy about seeing me and I wish I'd never come. I look down in shame.
I'm about to dart home when Stanley mutters "Sorry . . ." I stare at him and try to hide my shock. He seems to fake depression. Then he shrugs. "I'm an ass. You know, human nature."
I smile. Stanley's attitude sure did change there. He seems cheery. Stanley winks at Sandor. I'm surprised to see his dad is glaring at him. Did I imagine that? I blink. Everything's back to normal. Stanley is dead serious and his father smiles kindly at us. Awkward moment. Thank God Camilla's here to break the silence.
"We wanted to sell you cookies." She pipes up.
Really, Camila? Don't you know we don't have any cookies to sell?
Lucky for me, the aliens father says, "No, thank you. We don't really eat junk food."
"What are you doing here?" Stanley repeats. His dad places a hand on his shoulder.
"Sorry about Stanley's rude behaviour." His dad apologises, then holds out his hand. "He's just had a rough week. I'm Sandor."
"Meric," I say, shaking his hand.
"I'm Camila," Camilla announces proudly. She shakes Sandor's hand.
I quickly think up something that will give me more time with Stanley. Why am I so desperate? Maybe I like him more than I'm willing to admit. "We were wondering if Stanley would like to walk with us? You know, just up the street and back?"
Instantly, Stanley gets angry again. "No." When Sandor shoots him a disappointed look, Stanley adds, "No, thank you."
His dad rolls his eyes and turns to us. "I'm sure Stanley would love to go with you."
"But San-" Stanley complains but seems to correct himself. "But dad, you know how busy I am."
"I think you should take a break." Sandor informs him. "You've worked very hard."
"But dad," Then Stanley whispers quietly, but not quiet enough, "They're girls."
Sandor smiles happily. "Exactly. Now go on."
Stanley shoots one last menacing look at Sandor, like I'll get you back. Then he stomps out the door and shoves past me. Camilla looks at me and smiles so big that I almost laugh. I turn to Sandor. "Thank you, sir."
"No need for sir." Sandor objects, shaking his head, "Sandor is just fine."
"Thanks Sandor!" Camila shouts and hops off the porch. We both follow Stanley as he trudges ahead of us. None of us say anything for a long while. I tell Camila that she should go home. She begs me to let her stay but I know that what I'm about to ask cannot involve her. She leaves, unwillingly. I'm beginning to have second thoughts. I was going to confront him and ask about his powers, but I really don't want to be turned into a fried hot dog. Would he really hurt me? Telling by the mood he's in now, probably.
I keep pace with him and wait to see if he'll say anything. He continues to stare at the ground as we both walk, side by side. Stanley halts and I'm taken aback when he speaks first. He spreads his hands and sighs. "Look, I'm really sorry. You know, about being an ass all the time. I just don't like talking to people, okay?"
Wow. I'm starting to like this guy even more. Is he really apologising? I nod, understandingly. "I get it."
Stanley stares blankly at me. Then he laughs. "No, no, no. You really, REALLY, don't get it."  Stanley puts his hand over his face, as if he's realising a mistake.
"Is something wrong?" I ask gently.
"Ah. . . No." He says painfully. I keep wondering if I should ask if he's okay again. He seems hurt. But not physically. Something on the inside. We continuing walking. Stanley eventually stops looking wounded. After about ten minutes, we reach the top of the street. Then we turn around and head back to his house. Stanley asks me a few questions, like, 'Does Meric stand for something?' and 'Do you like pizza?'. My heart stops racing after we're half way back to his house and I decide there's no time like the present. If I'm going to ask, I need to do it now. I take a deep breath.
"So," I start, wondering how I should word my question. "You have Telikinesis?"
That was a mistake. Stanley freezes and a frightened expression appears on his face. I'm taken aback by how scared he looks. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. Then he suddenly darts towards his house.
"Wait!" I yell after him, knowing that he won't come back. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" The door slams shut behind him. I start towards the house but halt. What good would it do? He's mad at me now. He actually looked scared. I'm shocked. I should never have asked. Now he'll probably have to return to his home planet or something because I did what I shouldn't have. And he'll hate me for it.

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