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     It's dark. Nothing moves. Nothing breathes. It's utterly silent apart from the beating of my heart. I shut my eyes, wishing this world of despair away. But nothing happens. It's just as dark with my eyes shut as it is with them open. I breathe in the poisonous air. It chokes me, leaves me gagging. Suddenly, there's a sound. Not a pretty sound, but an evil, menacing sound. It fills my ears and continues on in my brain. I cover my ears and scream, hoping I can become louder than the noise. But it just gets louder. The next thing I know I'm on my knees, sobbing.
"Go away!" I shout. But there is no sign of control in my voice. "Just leave me alone!"
I hear laughter. This is cruel laughter. He is laughing at me.

I know that this thing is my enemy. I hold my breathe and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping with all that I am that he'll leave me alone. I grit my teeth as a hot swelling ball of pure hatred grows inside me. I hate him. I hate the control that he has over me. "You're a monster! I hate you! Go away. Don't ever come back. Just leave me alone!" There's silence. I wait. Twenty seconds pass. Still, nothing. I almost smile. Is he gone? Has he really left me? No, he wouldn't. He's too cunning. Too evil. I put my head in my hands as I hear his mocking laughter. This is the part I hate the most. I despise him. I hate him. And yet he never gets wounded. I've never even heard him sound offended. A sickening feeling crawls into my throat.
"No!" I yell at him, striving to show him just how much he disgusts me. "Leave me alone!" I grit my teeth. "I hate you." He laughs at me.

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