Battle at Minas Tirith - Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Éowyn and you came out the tent and went to get your horses and mount them, the men where heading to battle. as you followed behind Éowyn, she grabbed the little hobbit that watched the men leave and made him sit in front of her, she was taking him with the rest of the men.


as you rode Eromer called out to all the men "Form up! Move out! " he said this twice. Eromer was at the front with Theoden who called out after him " Ride!....Ride now to Gondor!"
We rode for a long time, about nearly half the morning. once we cam on the hill to Gondor we saw it, the battle that had already stared. the one for Gondor; for Aragorn's own home. the sun was rising just behind us making it look more intimidating to the enemy when we arrived

you where to the left of Éowyn, who put an arm around Merry whispering to him enough for you to hear as well " Courage merry. courage for out friends"

You where afraid, a little of the enemy that where forming ranks near Gondor; but you wished to still fight. gor your unborn child and for Aragorn and his home.
Theoden rode up to some of the men talling them where he wanted the men to fight and ride to. he was a good leader as he spoke again " Arise, arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered.......a sword-day, a red day....ere the sun rises!" the men leaned their polls slightly forward as Theoden was ridding and holding his sword up to let it hit each spear

" Ride Now!....Ride Now! Ride! Ride for ruin.....and the worlds ending!" Theoden Yelled out loud enough for nearly all the men and you to hear, he was inspiring "Death!!!....." he said a few times as he and then the men, then you, Merry and Éowyn yelled it out at the top of their lungs.

Then you and everyone started to charge the enemy, you felt something. yes fear and guilt for what you had did comeing here as Aragorn did not know, but also courage you felt you could do it battle to the end and see Aragorn once again. you wanted to see him, raise that child and to find happiness with him for as long as you lived with him.

You Charged with Éowyn and the men and smashed in to the enemy, taking out your elvish sword to slice away at the enemy that was close to you and your horse. Closer and Closer we came to Gondor as we killed the Enemy that was in front of us, the feeling of adrenilin through your body pumping through you to let you fight faster and harder for Aragorn.
As soon as you got close to the city they retreated and a horn sounded to the east, looking in the direction was Elefants, with build up saddle like shape to hold many of what looked to me more men but these where the enemy as well. why, how did saruon get them to on their side to fight for the darkness

We turned and formed more of a line and attacked once more, taking them on head on. you where more than afraid now, slightly terrified, never had seen or fought these kinds of people and creatures. it was mad, definetly you thought but charged with them to take on them, wishing and hoping this battle would be won and Aragorn would come with reinforcements some how.

You pulled out your bow to start cutting the men down the rode the Elefant. you kept one eye on where you went and the other on shooting the men, it was hard nearly hitting head on to one of the creatures foot and nearly getting crushed at one point, if you were not part elve you would be crushed by not not being able to keep your mind in two places at once.

Eromer shot one of the men who stood on the Elephant guiding it, but when he fell it forced the creature and made it crash in to another one on the right bringing it and its self to the ground dead, you followed Éowyn by catching up with her. you wanted to keep Merry and Éowyn safe you didn't want to loose them like Haldir.

you placed your Bow round you following Éowyn's horse under the creatures at a fast pace. seeing Merry take the reins and guide it as she sliced one of the creatures legs and you followed close behind. she was amazing and fast thinking. one of the elephants went on its back legs sending many of the men on it off and looking like it went crazy as Theodens people shot at its head, it backed up and began to fall as you rode closer to Éowyn who tried to pull away.
You grabbed the reins to pull them in a faster angle to get away but both was hit and fell off the horse and rolled out the way to prevent you al from being crushed. you panted for a quick breath. you thought that was so close to being killed.

you got to your feet taking off the large cloak that conceled the weapons you held to make it easier to move around with the bow on your back and the sword in your hand. you wouldn't give up not now. you felt strong as you stayed with Éowyn who now needed to find out where merry was.

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