2:48 am

61 7 3

*I've forgotten what it's like to have a normal sleeping pattern*

Sleep deprivation is a condition of not having enough sleep. Well that's what Wikipedia says. If you do not trust the words of the very handy website Wikipedia, here is another meaning for it; a secret code term for horny so that horny boys don't actually know you are horny. Ah, the trusty words from Urban Dictionary, gotta love that website.

Well to be honest I'm Wikipedia sleep deprived, not the Urban Dictionary sleep deprived, and to be honest I rather be the second one, because right now I'm sitting in my wardrobe seeing if the blacked out darkness will help me fall asleep.

If you're wondering if this is the first night for me not getting any sleep, it's most defiantly is not.

It started around about a year ago. At first it was me purposely staying up till 2 o'clock in the morning, scrolling down tumblr, but then a few month's later I was practically begging for sleep.

Me as the internet addict I am, have searched the different tips and tricks to fall asleep, and sitting in a wardrobe is one of them.

Sighing, I get out of wardrobe and stretch my limbs, feeling more energised than when I first stepped into the wardrobe two hours ago.

I close the wardrobe door, then walk towards the window grabbing my jar of small rocks from the windowsill and pouring a few into my hand, feeling the jagged edges of the rocks digging into the palm of my hand.

Leaning out of my window slightly, i start throwing them at the window opposite mine.

I keep throwing them until I see a light turn on and I quickly run away from the window and turn my light on too then run back.

I see a very angry, tired looking man at the window, rubbing his eyes.

"Hi" I smile, giggling a bit.

"What do you want Parker" he sighs, leaning on his wall. He crosses his arms on his bare chest.

"Well you could put on a T-shirt for starters" I point out.

He shakes his head and walks away, probably doing what I suggested.

The guy that I've just woken up at god knows what time in the morning is, Fin. He's my neighbour that moved in over 3 year's ago, with his housemate, Ben, also known as Ben-jee to me.

We properly met 2 years ago when I was trying to climb the tree outside our windows early hours of the morning, drunk. He heard a lot of screaming and laughing that made him come to the window. He saw me laying on the floor rubbing my head.

He told me to come into his house, and use his bedroom window to go out and walk a cross the tree to my bedroom, so I wouldn't get caught by my parent's.

Since that day we've been great friends, helping each other out. Actually more like him helping me out and me greatly annoying him.

"Parker what are you doing waking me up at..." he pauses and looks at the time on his phone "2:48 am"

"I can't sleep. I've been in the wardrobe for 2 hours and i still can't get to sleep" I reply.

"You can never get to sleep and stop reading shitty advice from the internet."

I run my hand through my hair and look around my room.

"Um, Fin?" I look up towards him.


"Do you want to go out for a walk, yahno since you're dressed and stuff?"

"No" he says, shaking he's head.


"No Park, it's too early"

Giving him my best puppy dog face I can muster up, I try to beg him but he keeps refusing.

"Urgh fine, I'll go by myself" I say and walk around my room picking up my Neck Deep hoodie and slipping it over my head. I grab my phone and my earphones, then slip my vans on.

Walking towards my window, i see Fin is still there sitting on his windowsill.

"Be careful ok?"

I nod and put one leg over the window and onto the branch below.

"Don't talk to anyone and I'll unlock my front door for when you get back, since you can't climb backup that tree." He says to me as I climb down the branches.

"Okay Dad" I give him a wink and jumping off the tree when I'm close enough to the ground.

"See ya teacup"

"Bye you mug" I reply and walk away from our houses.

I grab my earphones out of my pocket, and connect them to my phone.

I open up YouTube and search my all time favourite cover of Nirvana's, 'Come as you are' by Prep School.

I nod my head to beat of the song while walking around aimlessly.

The street's are silent. Not one car or person walks/drives past me. The only light's that are lighting up the street is coming from the street lamps above me not from any house, since everyone's a sleep at this ridiculous time.

I walk further along the road stuffing my hands into my hoodie to see the local park that is normally busy.

I quickly push the gate open and walk towards one of the swings and take a seat.

With Prep School on repeat, I close my eyes and hum the tune.

The one things I like about being sleep deprived is that no one is in the way. You have time to think and get things done that you probably couldn't get done at daytime.

Plus the night is my favourite time of day.

i swing slowly on the swing set and the song softly comes to an end for the 5th time

I open my eyes and see something moving in the corner of my eye. I turn my head to the right to see a boy next to me on the swing set, rubbing his eyes and slightly swinging.

I take my earphone's out my ears and stuff them in my pocket.

"Can't sleep?" I say to the mystery guy

He turns he's head and looks at me.

"Yup, what about you?" He says tilting he's head slightly, a grin appearing on his face.

"It's the story of my life mate"

|Author's note|

Hey so this is the first chapter of 'Sleep deprived and rubbing eyes'.
To be honest the story was inspired by my wattpad bio since people have said how much they relate to it.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will continue reading it.

Vote, comment and get some sleep

|Tee x|

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