शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Should she break the silence between them? Her ego was not allowing her to make the first step, especially not after the malicious gossip ingrained in her brain. When she spotted Aimee near the coffee machine, the latter did not even spare a glance her way, which irritated Ana even more. Where the hell was all that concern she was displaying only two days ago when she was supposedly worried for her career?

Unable to concentrate on work, Ana felt like she was shamelessly spying on her friend, thoughts of Dev and Aimee together tormenting her. Irked with herself for losing her self-control, Ana peeped another time in her friend's office and was surprised to catch in the act of wearing her coat. A glance at the clock announced lunch time, and unable to resist, Ana grabbed her coat and darted after her friend.

It was time they had an open discussion otherwise she will become insane by the end of the day.

All thoughts of a one-to-one fled as she spotted Dev's grey Bentley in front of the office building, and she made a quick detour to the parking lot. Within no time, her Mercedes was roaring to life, and following them was a piece of cake, as her white car blended perfectly in the dense traffic.

Adrenaline kicked in as irascible anger took control of her raging emotions. It was no longer a hunch – they would be caught red-handed. Why would they lunch together if there was nothing romantic between them? And when did they even had the time to build a relationship? Those past two days where Devin was supposedly mourning her loss? As ruminations filled her mind, she became even more certain that the liaison between the two must have dated way back.

When Dev's car entered an underground parking of a famous shopping mall, Ana followed through looking for a faraway parking to avoid being seen. Stalking felt as cheap and derogatory as it sounded. But it was one of those bad habits which once started was difficult to quit.

Taking the automated stairs to avoid them in the elevator, Ana was stunned to discover when they entered Tiffany & Co., one of the most prestigious jewelry shops in the US. The green demon of jealousy surged its head in her mind, all kinds of thoughts creating havoc in her normally rational state.

It got her thinking. What could they possibly be doing in a jewelry shop if they were not a couple? Unable to sustain the suspense, Ana marched right into the shop and was shocked to see the salesman showing them diamond rings. Thankfully, they had their back to her, and she jumped out of the shop with a repressed shriek.

Rings? As in engagement rings? Were they getting engaged?! How were they envisaging to pull that off without her intervention? Or did they think her too demure to oppose to their reunion? Would she? She was hardly the type to create a scene to stop two people from being happy, but the anguish which gripped her heart was proof enough that Dev was still her Achilles' heels.

Still debating with herself over whether to confront them, she was about to make another entry when she was saved by the bell. Well, figuratively speaking as her iPhone in her purse buzzed loudly making her jump. Frowning at the unknown number, she scattered a few shops away and answered the call.

It was from Rochester Clinic informing her that her sister was severely injured in an accident, and that they had informed some of her friends who'd refused to come. Shocked, Ana darted towards the exit, muttering an "I'll be there as soon as I can" to the device before punching other numbers to deal with the emergency.

It took her one endless hour before she could liberate herself from any immediate action, and by the time she reached the hospital, she was in quite a state. Hair disheveled, clothes crumpled, and mind in complete chaos. Panic had started to settle in, her earlier misgivings about Dev and Aimee dissipating with the new problem which had just cropped up.

Time To Heal [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें