I Missed You So Much

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(Eli's P.O.V)
It has been two days since I have seen Nessy. I cant believe I just walked out on her. I just got jealous. How can she love someone else, its not fair. I love her so much and I haven't been able to stop crying...
I'm in my old room, back with my mom. Someone is in here.
"Hey little brother. I have been hearing you cry for the past two days, do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?" It was Giovanni. He is the only one who will actually listen to me. "Why do you want to know?" "Because you are my brother and I care about you and how you feel, and I am not a bitch like Jessica and you can tell me anything." "Fine. Nessy and I broke up. She loves someone else but she says she wants me instead... But I don't know what to do, what if she says later that she wants the other guy that she has known since she was 8. She flipped out that night. She was yelling about how much she loved me and she cared and that she did love him but she loved me too." I was crying into my pillow. "Eliot... She wants you ok? If she didn't want you she would be gone. Maybe she does love him but she loves you more and if you were to flip out on her she might be with him now. She might think that she meant nothing to you and maybe you are a  mistake. You never know if he is with her right now cuddling up to him right now saying she loves him and wants to be with him instead of you because you left her." "So what am I supposed to do Giovanni?" "You have to go-" "There you are Giovanni I have been looking for you everywhere. Oh you are busy." "No I was just leaving babe. Eli you got to go see her now before its to late and she found someone better than you..." I turned around to look at him. He was kissing Steven. They walked out of the room together hand in hand. He was right. She is mine and if I don't hurry up and apologize soon she will be with Chase. I got up and ran outside to my car.
I got to her house and I seen that Chase's car was parked in the driveway. I knew that my brother was right about her moving on, but I wasn't going to let her go, that fast, and that easy. I got out the car and walked to the front door. I knocked on it a couple times. I heard a girl giggling and the guy telling her to be quiet. Nessy opened the door. . Chase was behind Nessy with his arms around her waist and nibbling on her ear. I felt my blood boiling but I tried not to let it affect me. She looked happy to see me but also sad. She pushed Chase off of her when she seen it was actually me. I didn't know what I wanted to say to her but I knew I had to tell her something while I was here. "Nessy I really need to speak to you... Its kind of important and we need to talk about it alone. Please?" She looked at Chase for a while and he nodded his head while giving her a kiss on her forehead. She walked to her room. Before I got in the house Chase grabbed my arm. "You are so lucky..." He said in sympathy. "No matter what you do to her she doesn't want to let you go. I asked her and she said she wouldn't be with me because she didn't want to be with anyone but you... She just wants to be my friend Eli, she wants you... As long as she is happy now that is all that matters to me now. Be good to her or I will come back, beat your ass and then get her to be with me." With that he walked out the house. I ran upstairs to find Nessy. She was sitting next to the big window in her room. Just like when I first came here. I don't think she noticed me. She turned around and seen me near the door. She turned back around and looked out the window. "Why would you come back? Why would you come back when I said all of that crap to you Eli.... I don't get how you can come back and see me again when I told you what I told you. I thought I would never see you again." "Nessy... I came to tell you something." She looked at me with worry in her eyes. "What is going on Eli? Is everything ok?" "Everything is fine except... Except us... Nessy I'm so sorry that I flipped out on you and I am so sorry that I didn't listen to you and didnt hear what you had to say. It was so wrong for me to do that. I was just... I was just so jealous that you said you did love someone else, and I guess I just didn't feel special to you anymore... I wanted you to only love me and I just panicked and everything just escaped my mind. I didn't mean it and I'm sorry... Forgive me, please?" I said with tears in my eyes. "I should be the one apologizing. I yelled at you for no reason and all the things I said to you werent out of anger... It was out of being hurt and not wanting to lose you." I gave her a hug. "don't worry about it babe I would never want to stay away from you. I missed you so much." "I missed you too." "We can talk about everything in the morning but right now lets go to sleep. I'm very tired." She nodded her head and we both fell asleep on the bed. Hopefully we got past everything and can get on living a happy life together.

Author's NoteHey everyone. I'm sorry for taking so long to update but I was running out of Ideas. If you guys have any questions about the story or if you have any ideas just DM me and uhm I would love for all of you to like or vote on this story and share it, please. Thank you all so much.

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