I Need To Figure Things Out

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(Eli's P.O.V)
I was so happy that Nessy was back. I loved having her in my arms. We still haven't told each other what had happened. She needs to know why I left in the first place. It happened with that stupid phone call and all the rest of the phone calls after that when Nessy was sleeping. I decided to grab the remote and shut off the TV. "Baby why did you do that?" "Because we still have to talk about what we had did." She realized what I was talking about and she sat up on the bed. "Did you get the note Nessy?" "Yeah I did." "And you know that I had to go to my moms house for something?  Right?" "Yeah. Eli just tell me ok your news cant be worse than my news." I didn't know what she was going to tell me, but I knew exactly what I was going to tell her. I really hope she can agree. "Ok Nessy, I had gotten another phone call while you were asleep. So I got up making sure not to mess with you cause you seemed really tired, I got up and I answered the phone. It was my brother Giovanni. He said that I needed to go straight home right then and there that everyone needed to talk to me. I didn't want to leave you but they said I had to that they didn't want me to start fighting with everyone to just protect you. My brother really likes you and he also doesn't want you to get hurt. So I told him I will be there in thirty minutes. I hung up the phone and went back to your room to write the note. I gave you a kiss on the cheek and I left your room. I seen that Mary and Chase were In the living room and I told them that if you wake up to tell you to read the note. I left after that. I got in my car and drove to my moms house. Everyone was there. I go inside and they told me to sit down. I didn't know what was going on but they all looked very upset. I noticed that my little sister wasn't in the room, and I guess they noticed and my brother decided to tell me what was happening." I started crying now. And my voice is getting very shaky. "He told me that my little sister had Leukemia.. They were taking her to the hospital in a couple days so she can get treated for it. I was in tears when they said it, cause I thought I would lose her to just like my dad. I asked where she was and they said she was in her room. I walked to her room and seen her laying in her bed crying. I walked over to her and called out her name. She happy to see me but she was still crying. She is only 7 the youngest one in the family. he came up to me and hugged me tightly. She told me that she was sick. And I was crying even more. She said she didn't feel right and that she missed me. She wanted me to stay with her for the night. So I did. I was talking to her and saying I would always be there and that she doesn't need to worry, that I would always be there for her. She didn't want me to leave that night. I also told her if she ever needed me just to call. That's why I didn't come back that night." I was in tears, I couldn't get over the fact that she had cancer. It was tearing me to shreds. I put my head on Nessy's shoulder and she gave me a hug. "Eli oh my god I am so sorry about this I'm sorry I got mad cause you didn't get here I get it I'm so sorry I feel awful." She started to cry too. "Baby its not your fault... You were just looking out for me." "I know but I should have called, I feel like a total jerk. You should be with your family and not me. They need you more than ever." "No I want to stay with you, I'm going to make daily visits with my sister but I'm staying with you." "Are you sure about that baby shouldn't you stay with your sister?" "I'm sure, I don't want to keep feeling depressed. I am staying with you and you are going to come with me and visit her with me and you are gonna help me make her smile and have fun so she wont be upset." She started to blush. I wanted to make her feel safe and warm and part of my family. "Yes, I would love to." She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Ok. So are you going to tell me what you have been up to?" "I think that should wait till tomorrow, or later tonight. I don't think you need to know what happened yet I don't want to make you upset." Well I had to know now. I didn't want to wait and I knew it was bothering her to keep it inside. Is it because of the type of subject. She felt sorry about what happened while I was gone. Did she have another guy. No that cant be. She wouldn't do that to me. If she did that guy would be punched in the face, I would hurt him for trying to take my Nessy. "Nessy just tell me right now please, was it about a guy or something? I was panicking but I tried not to let it worry me because you were coming back so I'm in my room and Chase comes in... He asked me why did Mary seem depressed all the time. I told him that he had to talk to her about it because I didn't want to say anything that she didn't want me to say to him. He said that he had understood and that he had something else to tell me..." She looked down trying not to look me in the eyes. "He said he couldn't hide it anymore... He liked me and he wanted to try it out to make sure there wasn't anything there he tried leaning in to kiss me and I told him he had to leave the room, he said ok and that he was sorry and he would try to keep his distance. I left the house and went for a drive the next day I found my friend Jamie and we went to the park and we talked I found out she is now going out with Alex. I came back to this house probably around nine or ten o'clock that night but I seen your car and I remembered that you didn't come back that night and I wanted to do the same I went to the hotel my aunt was staying at and slept there and this morning I drove back here." I don't care about anything else that she did but what bothered me is that Chase hit on her. My blood was boiling. I had to tell him something. She looked very upset. I got up and unlocked the door. "Eli? Eli what are you doing?" I ignored her and went straight to Chase's room. I opened the door to see him sitting up on the bed with Mary. They were both startled and Chase looked like he knew was about to happen he got up from the bed staring at my raging face. "Eli calm down I know Nessy just told you about it please don't be angry." "Angry about what Chase?" Mary said confused. Maybe she didn't know that he liked Nessy. "He likes Nessy that's why I'm angry." I said. She gave him a pissed off look. "I knew it. You liar. After all those times you said lets go hang out with Nessy and you saying how cool Nessy was I should have known you liked her." She was actually pissed. "Did you do anything to my bestfriend Chase? Tell me the truth and maybe I wont break up with you right now." He took a deep breath, and he was about to speak up but Nessy came next to me and grabbed my arm. He said it the whole truth. "Look Mary I love you ok I really do but Nessy, I just had a crush on her and I wanted to make sure that there was nothing there and so I leaned in and tried to kiss her." "Nessy is this true?" Mary said almost in tears. "Yes but I backed away and I told him that I wouldn't do that to you. You are my bestfriend and I wont ever do that to you." "aw, Nessy..." She started crying  and she got out of the bed and ran up to Nessy and hugged her. "I love you Nessy." "Mary can you forgive me too? Please? I didn't mean for this to happen I just wanted to get it out I don't want her I want you and only you." He was on his knees now. "My feelings for her are out the window. please I'm begging you please stay with me." He was crying. I think she  felt sorry and happy that he was being truthful. "Ok just don't let this happen again." She got down on her knees and kissed him. I grabbed Nessy by her waist and hugged her. She hugged me back. "I love you and I will make sure no one takes you away from me. Do you understand that you mean the world to me?" I say in Nessy's ear. "Yes and thanks for making everything ok baby. You get something special tonight." She says and walks out the room. I follow her to the living room. "I am so glad we figured things out now we can just relax." She says. "Or we can get a little wild." I say putting her back on the couch and me on top of her. "Oh really, and how do you suppose we do that?" "Same way we did it in the room." I kissed on her neck same places where I gave her my special marks. I go to the other side of her neck and place two more bites there sucking on each one. "Are you trying to make me look like a leopard?" She says. "Maybe." I go to her lips and kiss her. We started to make out for a little while. suddenly someone shouted, "EWWWWWWWWW!" Nessy and I both started to laugh. I got off of her and we both sat on the couch to see who said it. It was Mary and Chase. "Get a room you to, or would you rather go out with us?" Mary said. Nessy looked at me so that I could make the decision. I wanted to stay with her to finish what we kept starting, but then again I wanted to go out and have fun and show random strangers that Nessy was mine. I decided to go out. "Lets go out." She chuckled. We were all ready and we left the house to go to the mall. We got to the mall and started to walk around. I looked at Chase and Mary and seen that they  were holding hands and walking closely together. I then looked at Nessy and seen she looked the other way. I didn't want her to think bad about anything right now, I wanted her to have fun. I then grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me. She looked at me confuse then looked down at our hands. She smiled. Her other hand grabbed my arm while I held on to her other. We walked into a couple stores and we all bought a couple things from almost every store. We all went to every store except one. HOT TOPIC! We all looked at each other with smirks on our faces and ran into the store. Nessy and I both bought matching piercing jewelry and a couple different outfits. Chase and Mary bought matching shirts and a couple different things as well. I snuck away from Nessy and bought her a necklace and two matching beanie's for us to wear. We bought everything and decided to go to a movie. We were going to see the movie Zombieland. It was one of my favorite movies of all time. We got our tickets and we got popcorn and candy and headed for the theatre. I think that they were getting embarrassed of me cause I was acting like a kid. I was running to the front row. I got to the best seat there was and I sat there. I looked back to see that they were walking slowly and being very awkward. Nessy sat next to me, of course. Next to her was Chase. I didn't trust him since what Nessy told me but I didn't let it phase me. About a half hour into the movie Nessy got a call. She told me she had to take it and that she would be right back. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and went out the theatre. I stared back at the movie screen and didn't realize that Chase had left. I go up to Mary and asked where Chase was. She had said that he had went to the bathroom. I got up and told her I would be right back. I ran out and searched for both Nessy and Chase. I looked every where and I seen at the corner of my eye that Chase had Nessy pinned against the wall. I went back to the theatre, grabbed Mary by her arm, and made her run with me to look at what was happening. Chase still had her pinned against the wall. She looked scared and she tried to get free. I held Mary back to see what would happen to Chase and Nessy. She knew what I was doing and she stayed back. Chase leaned in and kissed Nessy. I felt the blood boiling in me and I was about to go over there but Mary held me back. Nessy pulled away from him and slapped him, She started yelling and pushing him. He fell to the floor. She was still yelling at him. Mary and I started walking over there. We heard a little bit of what Nessy said before we got there. "Are you an idiot? We aren't like we used to be! Why the hell would you kiss me for? We had this conversation earlier you idiot. How could you do this to me? You cant just pop back in my life and try to be with me again! How could you do this to Mary?" "I don't know..." He said in tears. "I needed to try you. I had to. I had no other choice." They both seen Mary and I. Nessy looked so scared. "Mary I can explain." "You don't need to Nessy. Eli and I seen everything we know it was Chase who kissed you. Chase we are done." I wasn't done with that turd. "Chase you should have known better than to mess with my girlfriend." After that I slapped him and turn to the girls in front of me. I went to Nessy and gave her a kiss on the lips. A long passionate kiss.  "Lets go ladies." I said and I grabbed both of their hands and we left the theatre. We got in the car and headed home. We made it and we all went upstairs to go to sleep. I don't think Nessy was comfortable with leaving Mary alone because she said, "Hey Eli I'm going to go and sleep over in Mary's room with her I don't want to leave her alone tonight especially with what has happened." "Ok baby but can I speak to you for a second?" "Yeah sure. Uhm I will be there in a second Mary." She shook her head and went in her room. Nessy and I went in the room and started getting in our pajamas. She put on pajama pants and a tank top, I put on pajama pants and no shirt. I wanted to know how Nessy felt when she had kissed Chase. "Nessy what did you feel when you kissed Chase? Be honest." She stood frozen, only in her bra. "Uhm I didn't like it at all actually... It felt so wrong, I felt like I was hurting everyone that was around me and my heart was shattering that second knowing what was happening was wrong and I thought I was going to lose you and Mary because of that jerk. But I didn't  and that is in the past now and I hate worrying about my past it hurts a lot..." She started grabbing her wrist. "Your past can hurt you in so many ways... Sometimes it can become something new and stay on you forever." She was staring into the mirror looking at herself. "Do you know the things I have gone through Eli? I have gone through death of family members friends I have even tried killing myself and I have almost done it... I have gone through terrible things that I don't want to explain cause it will just hurt more... If it weren't for Mary I could be dead right now. I don't want to... I didn't want to lose her to something so stupid as a dumb boy like Chase... I love her too much for that... And I love you too much to lose you to someone as dumb and stupid like that... I have lost someone because someone did something so stupid like that but its stupid and I don't need that anymore. That's why I cut. No..." "No what?" "I didn't like the kiss. I didn't love the kiss. I hated that kiss. If I liked it or even tried to like it I might have lost someone who meant the world to me." She was just an angel. I walk over to her, while she was still just in her pajama pants and bra. I towered over her. I turn her around, look into her eyes and say, "You are never EVER going to lose me, and I am never EVER  going to lose you." I leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back. I pulled back slowly. "I will let you go with your friend for this night but tomorrow you are going to be all mine." I say giving her a slick smile. "Of course babe anything for you." She put on her shirt, got on her tip-toes, pulled my head down and gave me a quick kiss before going out the room and leaving me. I got into the bed and fell fast asleep, trying to pass the time.

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