"Thank you, Red. Never thought you'd grow up to be this beautiful either" Aomine praised her. What the hell just happen? Seriously? Did he just-

Zed helped to pick me up, disrupting me off my thoughts. 

"Hey, if you three are free can you all accompany me for some coffee then? C'mon Aomine, I'm sure you'll spare Aura for awhile off her work. Wont' you?" She asked.

Aomine let a small smile. 

Why is he always smiling around Scarlett? This man. I hate to say this word but this man slut... I cursed in my mind.

"Why not? Shall we go, then?" He led the way, while the rest of us followed him. Why am I even being dragged into this? Is this karma for the words I said in the morning when I said I didn't want to go to work?  I groaned internally.


"-I know, I remembered! Gosh, It's been way too long!" Scarlett equaled too excitedly. Sitting by the round table, Aomine and Scarlett sat together; while Zed and I are sitting across them. While I am liking this arrangement, I dislike it too at the same time. I don't even know why.

I sipped on my coffee while avoiding any eye contact with Aomine-- since he have been looking at me blatantly in the daylight even though Zed had noticed it. Amidst all the greetings and laughter that mostly Aomine and Scarlett are sharing, my eyes decided to look up and just at that right time, it happened to connect with Aomine's eyes. I immediately looked away, though, I could feel that he is smirking to himself after that.

"Oh and, do you know Zed and Aurora are a thing now? Aura's brother is my ex-boyfriend by the way" She shared. 

Suddenly, Aomine stopped laughing and smiling. "Yeah.. Yeah, I knew that" I caught a glimpse of Aomine out of the corner of my eyes  and is hit by a sudden wave of unknown emotions.

I really can't do this. All the guilt, all the memories... They are gushing back again. I need some air. 

I excused myself and decided to head to the washroom. While they don't exactly have the best air there, at least, it could cool me off my emotions. I leaned by the wall outside the washroom that turns out to be unisex inside the coffee shop since the washroom is currently occupied; and let out a sigh. 

"Hey" Aomine called out. It's him again. Why is he always around me?

I glared at him and took out my phone and played it in silence, ignoring him. 

"Hmm... you play this game too?" He peeked in and leaned in by the wall next to me. I continued to ignore him.

"Aurora, Are you really going to do this?" He asked and turns to stand over in front of me clearly annoyed at the situation; and I snapped back just the same. "Do what, Mr. Axton?"

"Pretend that I don't exist. Seriously? It's not going to work, Aurora"

"What do you mean?!" I questioned, still very much annoyed.

"I'm still going to continue to be in love with you even if you ignore me" He said.

Shit, I hate where this conversation is going. This isn't supposed to turn out this way.

"I'm going back. My pee just went back right in after seeing your face" I excused myself. Though I regretted the second part of the sentence I just said. Why did I even add that? Oh gosh, Aura. Sometimes my choice of words are really... top-notch.

"Glad I didn't make you wet right now, because you'd be in a mess. And I would have the responsibility to help you clear them" He said, clearly looking sarcastic.

Huh, what? What does he even mean by that? He doesn't have any responsibility to clean me up.. What is he even talking about- Never mind. It's alright, I don't even want to know. I walked back, flustered and confused, leaving him there; though-- he followed just right behind me.

The table are in an awkward silence when we are back; and it dawns on me that it was just both Zed and Scarlett there. It's no wonder.

Scarlett observes Aomine while he quietly made his way to sit beside her in a moody silence. 

"What happened to you? You look... weird. After coming back-" She exchange looks around the table; looking to see if we have any idea about it. Of course I do. Not sure about Zed though. 

"It's nothing" Aomine cleared his throat and answered her.

"Okay..." She trailed. "By the way Aomine, a friend of mine wanted to know if you're single. She'd like to know you and was hoping I could introduce you to her. Do you have girlfriend currently?" Scarlett asked and all eyes went on to Aomine suddenly. 

A part of me wanted him to outrightly reject her offer.... and another part of me. Just want to selfishly announce him as being mine. But... I couldn't. I have Zed. I can't.

"No, Red, I do not have a girlfriend now." Aomine answered, and I felt my heart stop.



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