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AN:Another week. Another update. Sorry for the shot update I'm having a hard time with life.

Edd was able to get a job as a lifeguard from Elan, at an indoor swimming pool inside of a nice country club not far from Peach Creek University. It was convenient, paid well, and had county club benefits, so Edd accepted. Edd ended up enjoying being the life guard allot more than he thought he would. He had always been the type to go by rules and regulations and as a lifeguard he could freely express his contempt to trouble makers at the pool.

He wore his swimming cap instead of his beanie though, just so that he would look so out of place. He stood in the highchair that almost looked like, at least to Edd, like some sort of privileged toddler seat.

Double D was currently looking over the diving pool. Reminding people not to run and wait their turn. Double D wore the uniform red swim trunks and the lifeguard shirt, the colors bright against his pale skin. He played with the smooth silver whistle with his fingers, temporarily bored, until he heard a distinct voice from below that caught his attention.

"Nice legs, my little champion."

"Actually, My name is Edward" Edd was quick to respond, Now recognizing the voice as Adalius.

"Yeah found out about that from other people. You haven't been out and about lately. What happened to that?"

"Colledge Happened." Some of us like to focus on our academics and school activities thank you very much. Maybe he should take up a harsher training regimen just so he doesn't have to risk running into Adalius. It's not like he's bothered by him. Right?

Adalius rolled his eyes, agitated. "You're going to make this hard for me aren't you?"

More than you will ever know, "Yes," Edd paused for a moment before saying, "Do I seem 'easy' to you? Just curious." Easy; meaning easily manipulated, gullible, fickle, impulsive, whimful, and a lack of resolve.

Easy meaning easily bedded.

Was he?

Adalius' eyes flickered with an emotion, seriousness and consideration, before he reverted back to is sneer of a smirk.

"I did. Now? Not so much."

"Good then." Double D looked out over the water of the pool, he couldn't look at Adalius' eyes for the life of him. They were creepy in the more stunning and shocking sense of the word. The kind of eyes that made you uncomfortable in your own skin. Double D realized more than ever how much he hated that feeling.

"Is there someone else?" Adalius asked eyes on Double D's body. Double D gripped the blow horn. A image of Kevin flashed before his eyes. An image of him laying next to him on the beach with that tired and satisfied smile on his face and the sun laid over, collapsed, on his skin and hair. It was Edd's new favorite memory.

"Always has been." He can't remember a time he did not respect Kevin. Respect kevin to the point of adoration and then to the point of love.

Adalius laughed at him, tilting his head back mockingly, "Seriously? You have a boyfriend?" As if it was impossible for Double D to have one in the first place.

"I don't"

"Ah girlfriend?" He asked surprised in his voice.

"No. He...We've never had a very good association with one another in the past," Was the only way Edd could describe it. We most likely never will. Edd eyes sunk lower, started looking at the ground. Yes he and Kevin had gotten better at talking with one another, they even started to spend time with each other as friends, but they would never be anything like lovers.

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