Twenty Two - Cell

Start from the beginning

“Sera Winters,” Delilah greeted me.

Beside her, Will, her mate was standing. When Will had come to Moonstone pack, he found out that Delilah was his mate. She was Shea’s best friend so I didn’t like her much. Also, she was rude to me in high school. But that’s in past now.

“Hello Delilah,” I smiled at her. “Hi Will.”

He smiled at me. He was a good friend of mine back then but I don’t know what he thinks of me now,, especially because I am standing inside a cell.

“You finally got another mate, huh?” She raised an eyebrow and looked at Vladimir. The look on her face said that she liked what she saw. I rolled my eyes at that. She is not the first werewolf to look at Vladimir with appreciation. “And I can say he is better than Daniel.”

A growl erupted from Will’s throat. Delilah smiled and rolled her eyes. The action was genuine. Maybe her separation from Shea had changed her.

“But not better than you, darling.” She told Will. “Anyways I was told that you were put here in the dungeons and I came to see you. We are just back from our honeymoon.”

“Good for you,” I said.

“Why are you saying it like that?” She smirked. “Did you go for honeymoon with your mate? There is no mark on your neck. Maybe you haven’t. But if you ask me, I can put you in his cell and you both can have your honeymoon here.”

I tried not to gag on her words. It was impossibly hard to keep my expressions cool at those nauseating words came out of her mouth.

“Delilah,” Will said in a warning tone.

“I was just kidding,” she defended herself. “Anyways I’m going to visit my parents and thought of giving you one last visit before I leave. I’ll see you in a few months, Sera. And I’ll say hi to Daniel for you. And-“

“Delilah, let’s go. We are already late.” Will interrupted her and she sighed.

“I was only saying goodbye. So… goodbye Sera and her mate.” She said and walked away. Will stayed behind. When she was out of hearing distance, Will looked at me.

“I’m sorry. You know how she is.” He said sheepishly.

“I understand.” I waved my hand.

“And I also apologize for keep you here. But we can’t let you go until Kyle returns.”

“it’s okay.” I shrugged. “This place is not that bad.”

He chuckled. “I have to go now. Good bye Sera and take care of yourself but I know you don’t do that so Mr. Vladimir, please take care of her. She is the best. You’re lucky you got her as your mate.” He told Vladimir who gave a fake smile to Will as he walked away.

I stood in silence waiting for Vladimir’s insult. He was not going to say quiet. I’ve been with him long enough to know that he won’t miss a chance to show me down. Delilah just provided the perfect opportunity to him.

“Honeymoon with Sera?” He wondered out loudly and then scoffed. “As if I would ever touch her?” He said as if the idea disgusted me.

“The feeling is mutual.” I spat at him and went back to my previous spot before Delilah had come. “I will never like to be touched by you.”

He opened his mouth to say something but was stopped by a commotion. I looked at Vladimir to see his reaction. He was looking in the direction of noise. The shadows appeared in the dimly lit corridor. There was a hustle and then two guards came in first.

A strong scent hit me. My eyes widened. Is this…?

The two guards were holding arms of a body. Other two guards were holding the legs. After them, another werewolf entered the room. He was wearing only shorts. His mouth was set in a hard line. I looked at the breathing unconscious werewolf wondering what he had done.

He was carried to the cell opposite to Vladimir’s and dropped unceremoniously.  I and Vladimir, both were standing near the bars watching the scene. Without a single glance at us, the guards and that werewolf left.

I looked at the person completely horrified as he stirred slightly. Slowly, he opened his eyes and blinked them several times to adjust with the light. He groaned and rolled over shoving his naked butt in the air. My eyes widened even further as I noticed for the first time that he was completely naked. I looked away immediately and my gaze landed on Vladimir who was observing the new prisoner with squinted eyes.

“Sera,” Vladimir said calmly. “Isn’t he your mate?”

*** ***

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