Sophia's heart broke at the scene in front of her. Tori was facing away from the door and her whole body shook with the sobs she had been holding in. Sophia didn't say anything. She climbed in the bed behind her and wrapped her arms around her. Tori grabbed Sophia's hand and hung on tightly.
They both laid there together crying. They cried for the baby they lost. The baby she would never get to hold. She would never get to see grow up. The baby she would never get to say 'I love you' to. They cried for the babies Tori could never have. Lives lost that could have been. They cried  until there were no more tears. Then Tori turned to Sophia. "I don't know how I can go on. I lost the baby and now I will never have a chance to have any more. I am not a women any more. After a while you and Charlie wont even want me anymore." Sophia stopped her right there.

"Tori we don't love you for your ability to bare children. We love you for who you are. The Tori who is here with us is the one we want. We will always love you and want you. Sabrina and Sam would be lost without you as well. You are a big part of this family and without you, this family would be incomplete. It will take time for you to heal but you wont be alone. We will help you in anyway possible. Face it women. You are stuck with us. I couldn't even leave you for 5 minutes." They both smiled.

"Im glad you came back Sophia. I didn't want you to leave but I didn't want you to choose me over the kids. I know you haven't left me these couple of days." Sophia smile. "Needing us is not making us choose between you and the girls. They are taken care of and if you need us, Please be honest and say so. We will only get through this if we are honest with each other ok?" Tori nodded and then fell asleep in Sophia's arms.


"What are you going to do about Olivia?" Andrea asked me when she arrived at home. She said she doesn't believe I can take care of two kids without Tori or Sophia with me. "I don't know Andrea." "That's unusual." I chuckled. "Tori can't have a baby anymore because of her." Andrea put her arms around My shoulders. "Will that change anything?" What kind of question is this? I looked at her. "Nothing will change. Why?"

"Well I thought you will be leaving here cause she's barren. You're physically a woman but we all know what your really are Charlie. So I thought you will be be a typical guy." I can't believe my own Sister says that. "Maybe I'm in love with two woman. But trust me, I'm fair. I never do anything more to both of them. In equal." Andrea smiled. "Good Charlie. I'll handle Olivia for you." This really caught me off guard.

"What do you mean?" Andrea smile softly at me. "I'm saying I'll handle her." Sabrina walked in, dragging her big teddy along with her. "Papa.... I want to sleep with you...." I pick her up and let her sit on my lap. "Sure Bri." Sabrina wrapped her little hands around my neck. "I miss Mommy and mama. When are they coming home?" "Soon Bri. Papa promise." Sabrina nodded. "I'll check on Sam." Andrea said and stand up.

"Come on Bri. Let's get you to bed." I stand and walked towards my room. I opened the door and instantly, Sophia and Tori's scent invading her nostril. I put Sabrina gently on the bed and she turned her body to the side. I sit on the bed and my eyes landed on Tori's briefcase that she left this morning. I noticed it opened a bit and walked to it. I know I shouldn't but I'm curious. Work papers, pager and something caught my eyes.

Sophia's name. I read the papers and smile at what she did. "Tori.... You seriously just overtake me on this huh." I chuckled. Then I read about Sabrina and Sam's name. She really secure those kids future. I put it back on the briefcase and walked to the bed and lay next to Sabrina. I kiss her forehead and closed my eyes.......


"Andrea.... What are you doing with my shotgun?" "Hunting." She said not even turned her body to meet me. "I hate to see my family sad Charlie." She finally turned and smiled. "Daddy thought me well on how protecting myself.." I stand and looked at her. "Who are you and what have you done to my Sister?" Andrea laughed. "Baby Sister you have no idea what I'm capable of doing." With that said and she walked out of my house.

After getting the kids ready, I call Sophia that we're coming with clean clothes and food. Sabrina insist we bring lots of yummy food so she can eat with them. But because I don't know how to cook, I call the usual place where I ordered up and pick up the food on our way to the hospital. Sabrina was jumping on her seat excitedly when we arrived at the parking lot. Now that I used Lulu's guard, I feel safe. Well a little bit. His men really afraid of him and I trust him.

I fired my old security team because after what had happened, I don't trust any of them anymore. "Papa come on." Sabrina exclaimed. "Relax Bri. I'm holding Sam and our food." I pick up Sam and the food inside the car. "Bri, hold my coat. Don't let go." "Okay." She take a hand full of my coat and keep on talking. That way I know she's there. We stopped in front of the door and I asked Sabrina to knocked. A Low come in can be heard and Sabrina opened the door slowly.

Sophia instantly took Sam from me when I entered. I looked at Tori who is smiling at Sabrina. But I noticed her puffy eyes. She's been crying. Sophia touched my hand. I looked at her and her eyes suggested I should talk to her. I nodded and walked to her. I sit on the bed and smile. "Hey." Tori smiled back but it didn't reached her eyes. "Hi Charlie." I lanes to stroke her cheek. "How are you?" "Better I Guess." I know she's not fine. The kids are here and she's trying to be strong.

Sabrina climbed on the bed and hug her gently. "It's ok to cry mama." I smiled at Sabrina. "Mama not going to cry Bri." Tori smiled. I looked at Sophia and she know what I meant. She took Sabrina's hand and took her outside. "I'll be back Tori." Sophia said and smiled. When the door close and leaned in closer to her. "I miss you." I said and kissed her cheek. There's not response. She grabbed my neck and hugged it tight. "I'm sorry." I heard sobbed coming from her.

I caressed her back and let her cry. "I'm not a woman anymore Charlie." She put her head on the crook of my neck and cry. "I will leave you alone with Sophia. I'm sorry I even show myself." "What are you saying? No. I won't let you go again. Sam needs you. Sophia needs you, Sabrina needs you..... I need you." Tori didn't say anything. She just hold on tight to me. "My parents came." That's new. "They want me back and they want something." "What?" "They want you to pay them for whatever happened to me."

They never change. "How much?" Tori shake her head. "They disown me remember." I pulled away and kissed her. "You will stay with us forever. Face it. You're stuck with us."  Sophia walked in with Sabrina and Sam and smiled at us. "She said she want to show you something." Sabrina walked to Tori and gave her something. "Flower. Beautiful like mama." Tori smiled and hug Sabrina. "Ouch." "Careful Sabrina!" Sophia said. "It's fine Precious." Tori said and let Sabrina talked about everything.......





Book 4 - I Don't Deserved To Be Love (Completed) (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now