on a serious note

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idk i don't feel like i'm really going anywhere with the attention on this story u feel? like, im getting so much attention and credit for it when it's not even that good.the plot is bad, the characters are bad, the jokes are lame and i told all the funchlines shittily and wrong, and this applies to ALL of my books.

aside from writing, i don't read much anymore. what i'm saying is, i'm deleting my account. idk who's going to really care about it but i do, and i don't want to keep writing fanfiction my whole life because that's kind of pointless and i want to move on.

say goodbye, mourn, set up a funeral, idk, but it's going down and i have no regrets. congratulations on finishing before i deleted, by the way :)

i'm sorry 

also, another thing, i'm just kidding and i still love wattpad and i will continue to write pointless shitty-funchline fanfiction until the day i die. 

happy belated april fools day :----)

this was a horribly awful prank but i didn't do anything this year and i felt the need to make amends so here you go

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