The Time Rotor

161 9 3

3 joined the chat
Jo joined the chat

3: Hello? Is anyone there?
Jo: Oh, Doctor, you know it's no use.
3: Somebody must come by, eventually.
Jo: How long are you prepared to wait?
3: Hours, days, weeks.
Jo: Seriously?
3: It's taken so much time and effort to connect this LTN to work.
Jo: What's that?
3: Local Time Network.
Jo: I still don't understand
3: It's a bit like a LAN but in the time vortex. As it's local it will only be able to connect to Tardis' and other devices associated with me.
Jo: I shouldn't have asked. Do you need me here or can I head off?
3: Hmm? Yes, thank you, Jo. See you tomorrow.

Jo left the chat.

3 gave 3 a cup of tea
3 gave 3 a biscuit

3: *sigh* This is more tedious than I thought.

7 joined the chat

3: Goodness gracious me!
7: Ah! Hello there.
3: I hate to admit it, but I need a bit of a hand
7: Oh?
3: I need a new time rotor but I'm stranded on Earth. Could you pop by and give me one?
7: No
3: Look, I've been stranded here for 2 earth years now. It's rather tedious.
7: You think I don't know? I was you once.
3: With being 4 incarnations ahead you may have forgotten.
7: Forget the Brigadier? Never!
3: Yes. And the lab assistants can be a nuisance sometimes.
7: Who is it at the moment?
3: Jo Grant.
7: Ah yes, I remember Jo. Very passionate about the Earth. Big heart.
3: Yes. Nice to have a break from all this military nonsense too.
7: Might pop in some time, I haven't in a while
3: So will you give me the rotor or not?
7: No. Not because that's not the only problem but because we must obey the laws.
3: I suppose your right. I was hoping it wasn't fixed.
7: It is a fixed point. Don't worry, the exile won't last forever.
3: Yes. At least I'm connected to the Chatroom at last.
7: Yes. I must head off, things to do, places to see.
3: You make me envious.
7: You'll be doing it in no time.
3: I suppose. I'm just a bit tired of the routines and such.
7: Yes, the Brigadier certainly can be stuck in his methodical ways
3: There have been worse I suppose. At least he listens sometimes
7: Yes, yes. Anyway, I really must be off. Ace has finished breakfast so I must be off.
3: See you, dear fellow.

7 left the Chatroom
3 left the Chatroom


Over a year? Pffft, I wouldn't leave that long between updates! That's something I would never do...
I am studying maths, further maths and physics at A level so the creative side of my brain (and the words side) don't get pushed anymore and are a little dusty. Hopefully I can get it to work again. Thanks for sticking around :)

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