Chapter three ~ Party.

Start from the beginning

"I'm totally in love with this outfit." She said once she finished.

"Me too. It makes me feel dangerous." We both laughed.

I matched my outfit with samilar boots like Audreys. Then to finsh my look, I put on some silver jewelry May had giving to me as a present. She would be pleased.

"Wow, you guys look hot. So out of character." Zeyana praised walking into the closet. "Wait until Derek sees you." Zeyana winked.

"He is going to ravish you." Audrey joked.

"You guys are crazy." I smiled. I took my hair out of the tight bun I made earlier. My hair fell into a bunch of waves. This method worked every time. I quickly pinned my hair in different places, creating a simply hair do and applied hair spray to seal the job. I put some what of blush, mascara, lip gloss and consider my self done

"What, no make up?" Audrey said, peering through my make up drawers.

"Nope, I am staying natural." I stated proudly.

"Five minutes and we're leaving Suri." May shouted at us from her room.

"Okay . . ." I responded.

I gave my self another reassuring glance in the mirror. I felt confident in this outfit. This is me being myself and not what May can dress me in. A statement mom always constantly reminds us is to be ourselves and not what others want us to be. I try to use that quote on May. She always pressures me to be a sexy little devil. No, I don't think.

I shut the lights in the closet and my room as I was the last one to exit. May was waiting by her door and automatically smiled when she saw me. I could already tell she was approving.

"Oh you look . . ." She did a double take, eyeing me from head to toe. "I like that outfit, it's very you."

"Thank you." I said.

"Let's go girlies." She said, motioning her head for us to go.

May and I would resemble the good girl and the bad girl. I was dressed like a complete angel and she was dressed for a hot date. She wore a black dress that was open completely in the back; halter cut in the front that reached all the way to her belly button. And to top it off, she matched her dress with bright red stilettos. Red lips stick and dark make up in her eyes. She was stunning.

"May, you look freaking hot." Violet said when we came downstairs. Violet and Daisy were waiting patient by the door. What was wrong with these crazy girls and their overly expose clothing? Where they trying have sex tonight?

"Oh you girls look, look. . . eh" Liz said with her hand on her throat. "You look beautiful." It look like she was going faint. "Do be careful, I don't want nothing bad to happen any of young ladies." She came to my side.

"Of course we will. It's a promise." May assured her.

"And you'll call for anything, right?"

"Yess . . ." May smiled kissing her cheek.

Liz's eyes narrowed and she smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. "Very well, don't come home to late."

"We won't." I wrapped my arm her waist and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Be careful Surilyn." She whispered when the girl started to leave.

"I will Liz, I promise." I give her a quick hug and rushed to catch up to the girls.

Dad had flown out to Vancouver for a business meeting and gave us permission to use his SUV. May was the designated driver and I was worried that she might get wasted. She promised me she wouldn't but somewhere in my gut I didn't believe her. Every since I found out about her and Mr. Sachar, I've been worrying about her. I know she can protect her self but . . . ah I don't know.

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