But they werent happy, so during one eclipse they stayed together. Casting darkness on everything for 100 years. This is when the stars fell, creating the werewolves, and in order to bring the light back for their children, the sun and moon wolf left each other once again to circle the earth only touching for a few minutes every few years.

It was sweet, but sad, Rhage knew the real meaning though, nothing good can come from darkness, nothing good could come from they're love, so in order to save themselves and everyone around them, they sacrifice themselves.

Rhage wondered if that's what she must do. Sacrifice herself for her sister. And her mate. Lynn may come around, but would she be safe? Rhage pondered on this as she trailed the halls to her sisters room. Placing her hand on the cold handle, she felt a twinge of unease. Slowly twisting the handle she looked around to dull white room.

She was met with silence.

Panicking she pulled back the curtain to find a man, staring down and her sisters frail body. But the panic subsided when she seen the rise and fall of Seer's chest.

"Who are you? And why is her heart monitor off?" Rhage tried hiding how afraid she was, but she also didnt want to come off as rude to spare herself a fight.

The man, more like boy, looked at Rhage with wide eyes. "M-me?" He whispered, pointing a shaking hand at himself.

Rhage wondered why he was so scared, she was certain Eclipse was calm in the back of her mind. "Yes, you. Why are you hovering over my sister like a total creep?" She tried concealing her attitude, but couldnt help making a snarky remark, she knew that she wouldnt have to hurt this boy, he smelt only of sadness.

"I am the Alpha's son. From the pack of riches.. who is she?" He didnt take his eyes off Seer, he just stared at her face with big round eyes.

Rhage stepped closer to her sisters bed, and realized the heart monitor fell off when the boy held Seer's hand. She moved around him and placed the monitor on her other finger and sighed in relief when the monitor perked up with steady heartbeats.

"This is Seer, my little sister. Is she.." Rhage trailed off closing her eyes tightly. "Is she your mate?"

"I dont know. At least I think so. But her wolf isnt responding to mine.." he whispered.

Rhage stared at him for a moment, pondering on how much she should tell him. He was well built for his age, other than the panic on his face he was a handsome young boy, his nose was slightly cooked like it had been broken a few times. His eyes were dark, like his hair and skin.

"Her wolf is too much for her body right now. She just needs to get stronger.. that's all. She only just turned fourteen. Even if she was awake, she wouldnt know you are her mate yet. And I'd like to keep it that way." Rhage walked to the door and opened it. "I think you should leave. My sister stays with me. When shes older I'll send her your way, if she so pleases." Rhage knew she was being a bitch. But looking over her sisters tiny frame, she knew deep inside that Seer wasnt ready for a mate.

Seer still didnt know everything about herself. Seer needs Rhage's guidance, she meant what she said, she would send Seer to him when she was ready.

"O-okay. My name is Finn. If.. if she ever needs anything. My pack will provide." He slowly stepped away from Seer's hospital bed. Not taking his eyes off her.

He passed Rhage walking out the door, she inhaled his scent, remembering it for the future, sandalwood and... basil.

Shutting the door behind him Rhage rushed to her sisters side, scanning her for any injuries, only relaxing after finding that she was safe and sound.

Sitting down in the leather arm chair next to the monitors, Rhage closed her eyes, thinking back to the girl who threw herself at Alpha Lynn. Mentally smacking herself looking back on the memory, the girl had to be Seer's age. Lynn was older than Rhage, she realized she had been ridiculous.

But another thing bothered her. She wasnt sure what it was, but something about that girl made her toes curl.

Rhage decided that she was going to find out. One way, or another.

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