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He's back

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

He's back.The monster.
I feel him.
Under my skin,in my head.
He's everywhere.
The urge.
I can't stop it.

RHAGE'S ARMS BURNED from kneading the dough, baking bread was harder than she thought. After her outburst in the hall Beta Kingston brought her to the kitchens to 'work off her stay' as he put it. Honestly, Rhage powdered more flour on to the sticky dough, it was most likely to keep her busy and out of trouble.

She wondered if King would say, or do anything, after seeing her outburst in the hall. But when he came to Seer's hospital room he acted as if nothing ever happened, just asked if she knew her way around the kitchen.

Which, she did, Bettie, her adoptive mother of sorts, showed her how to prepare a meal, but she failed to mention to the Beta that she wouldnt be able to follow a recipe.

The kitchen was busy with bustling omegas, chattering away about a visiting pack. The noise partnered with timers and clanging of pans was annoying, but comforting in a way. Rhage knew that the pack was large but there must have been thirty omegas just in the kitchen. Rhage wondered how many of them, if they knew who she was, would hand her over to Scar.

The dough still latched onto her fingers with a vengeance, Rhage let her eyes wander to the omegas who were doing similar tasks. One girl with blonde ringlets smacked her hand into the flour and then started to knead the dough. She looked an awful lot like Seer, the thought made Rhage's throat close up.

Rhage sifted through the kitchens workers to get herself some more flour when she spotted the chef making his way towards her.

"Mademoiselle," the chef cooed in a butchered french accent, tipping his head ever so sweetly.

Rhage blinked up at the man, she was covered head to toe in flour and other questionable baking ingredients but the chef was clean as a whistle. He was overly tall and all arms, incredibly disproportional for a were. His wiry look creeped Rhage out, with his beady washed out blue eyes and greying hair. She did admit though, he had a pleasant facial structure.

Rhage cleared her throat dusting her hands off on her apron in vain, "is there anything you need?" She asked.

The chef clapped his hands excitedly, "well you see we're awful short staffed with the Pack of Riches here," he turned grabbing a tray from another's arms as they passed by and shoved the tray of crispy criossonts into her arms, "would you be a dear and give these to the guests?" His words were sweet but his tone was condescending.

That rubbed Rhage's fur the wrong way, and her beast tickled her mind asking to come out. But instead Rhage simply smiled and nodded. She was a guest here, and she would be polite, even if the others weren't.

Rhage avoided shoulders and pots of boiling water on her way out, no one in particular looked at her as if she wasn't any ordinary Omega, and that calmed Rhage's nerves. She looked the part, and if she acted the part, things wouldn't get out of hand.

Finally breaking out of the crowd of workers Rhage left the warm kitchen and walked down the leering grey halls. The pack house was large, it held a conference room, a hospital wing, a kitchen, a ball room, a even bigger dining room, and the Alpha's office and connecting flat. HunterMoon's whole apartment was in this house. Not only that she has a whole hallway filled with rooms for visitors. Visitors that we're currently milling about the dining room.

The pack of Riches, also known as the CrescentMoon pack, had unknowingly housed Rhage and See many years ago. At the age of six Rhage took her infant sister to Bettie, the sisters stayed with her for a long time before Rhage killed her. It hurt her heart to think about, Bettie was like a mother to her and Seer.

Rhage had never met any of the pack but she knows that being the Pack of Riches they had strong ties to the Pack of Trade.

Moving the tray of flakey treats to one arm Rhage shouldered open the back door to the dining area.

"-we hope you all find your mate's!" HunterMoon finished her announcement with a wave before everyone began their chatter once more.

Rhage nervously glanced at the Alpha who promptly ignored her. Good, Rhage thought stiffly, she had work to do anyhow.

Smiling sweetly Rhage rounded the dining room, nodding to those who took a roll off from her silver platter. Male eyes were watching Rhage with stares that burnt holes in her face, she met all the eyes that she could and found enjoyment in their deflated looks.

So this is a mating treaty. Two packs combining for a number of days to find their mate's. Oddly, Rhage wondered if any of their mate's we're of her home pack.

BloodMoon, pack of War and Strategy. They were once two different packs, but when Rhage's parents mated they combined the two, because neither of them would give up their pack. But now.. the BloodMoon pack was only a pack of slavery and Rogues.

"Lynn!" The words were muffled by a thump, and a collection of giggles.

Rhage glanced over to see her mate being trampled by another girl. Lynn HunterMoon. Wow. Rhage felt a flutter of emotions build, jealousy, anger (she supposed a more accurate word would ironically be rage), hurt, and awe. Jealous that Lynn didn't mind the other females touch, anger that the girl even dared to touch her mate, hurt that Rhage had been so balantly rejected, and awe that her mate could be so damn painfully perfect.

"Hey watch it Omega!" Someone growled shoving Rhage roughly to the floor.

The palms of her hands stung and Rhage let half a breath in, pure unadulterated rage consumed her and then in a blink of an eye Eclipse shredded her boundaries.

Now, thinking back on the events, Rhage had let the beast rise at the thought of another woman touching their mate, and then being called an Omega.

The man should be kissing Rhage's shoes and thanking her for not letting Eclipse strangle him with his own intestines.

Rhage stopped breathing, doing this kept her from shifting. On most occasions, but with the Alpha walking quickly towards her, instincts took over and she took in a large breath searching for that earthy sweet scent.

One quick glance behind Lynn though, to that bimbo of a mutt pouting and carrying on about some Omega disrupting her big day. It sent Rhage releasing the reigns on Eclipse, and settling back to watch the evets unfold.

Rhage snickered in her mindscape, oh, we'll show you big.



ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Shadows Into Light (GxG)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें