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Trigger warning: mentions of rape, abuse, sexual assault and the like.

Trigger warning: mentions of rape, abuse, sexual assault and the like

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"Why do you like thunderstorms?"

"Because it shows even nature needs to scream sometimes."

NOTHING WAS EVER ENOUGH for Oscar, he needed more, always needed more. More status, more power, more women, more children, more death. No matter how much he got he was never satisfied. The only thing that curbed his appetite was the woman at his feet.

The wooden case was crafted beautifully, carved by masters of their trade. He touched her face, longingly, feeling her breath tickle his wrist.  Before he closed the box, casting her in darkness, eternally sleeping.

"Father? I have the girl." Ember dragged Seer by the wrist, Seer was gagged and bound by silver cuffs, yet still she struggled against Embers hold.

"Leave her, return to your task." Ember hesitated at her fathers words, wondering what he was up too, but knew better than to ask. She left in a cloud of smoke leaving Seer trembling on the ground.

Her round wide eyes stared up at Oscar, she was paralyzed with fear, this was the man who killed her parents, and her entire pack, whoever was left was reduced to slavery.

Rhage had ran from him since the day Seer was born, Karma stirred inside of her, he was the reason Rhage was going to leave them. He was the reason for everything.

Karma snapped and pushed against the confines of Seer's mind, but she pushed her back, far back in her head, telling the wolf, not now, not yet.

Seer knew the second Ember put the silver shackles on her arms and feel that they did nothing, her wolf was still prominent in her head, like she could shift at any moment.

She was only fourteen, she shouldn't be able too at all, but Karma thought otherwise. Oscar strode around the room, as if in deep thought. He was thin, no meat to him, his skin covered in soot and ash, his hair lacklustre. His eyes, dark, and struck fear straight into Seer's heart.

"I have a few things to confess, little Bloodmoon." Oscar's voice was gravely, like nails on a chalkboard. Seer swallowed and avoided his eyes, telling herself not to believe anything he said, because it was probably lies. She looked around the room, it was filthy, covered in dust and ash, like the whole place had been burned down and rebuilt. It smelt like death, Seer thought to herself.

"Firstly, I never wanted you dead, just your abomination of a sister." He stepped closer to Seer, and she leaned as far away from him as possible. But all he did was remove the cloth from her mouth.

"I would never hurt my daughter." He smirked, a glint in his black eyes.

"You're fucking crazy, you are not my father." Seer spat, Karma nudged her, as if to ask to tear him to shreds in a gentle way.

Oscar scoffed, standing again, "I can prove it, but I'd rather do this." His weight shifted to one leg as he swung the opposite leg back, and launched it foreward, his foot slammed into Seer's side, all the air left her lungs but she refused to yell out.

Again and again he kicked her, when she didnt cry out, he did, screaming like a mad man.

"Your whore of a mother tempted me, it was always in the way she looked at me, asking for me. I gave her what she wanted." He growled when he finally stopped his assults. Seer just looked straight through him, but inside her stomach churned. Her side hurt, but she was already healing, the silver didnt inhibit that either apparently.

If Oscar was her father he had forced her mother. Rhage always spoke of the love between her parents, that they were so smitten that Rhage was born before they were marked. And that made Seer very mad.

But she bit back her words, and watched the man who claimed Seer as his. He was breathing heavily staring up at the ceiling, Seer rubbed her wrists under the silver chains.

Seer had never really seen Oscar before, she didnt even know what her parents looked like, because of him.

"She was mated, my father never would have let you." Seer finally spoke, she was terrified, but surprisingly her voice held steady. The man's eyes snapped to hers.

"Michael was not the man you think he is, that rabid beast has filled your head with lies!" He screamed the last part, it rattled the furniture and made Seer flinch.

"Rhage needs to die, shes an abomination, she should have never been born. None of this would have happened if your mother would have listened to me." He sighed, before turning to a small table, mixing herbs into a tea. He brought the wooden cup to Seer, setting it at her feet. She definently glared at the man, he glared back.

"My sister is a beautiful soul, she protects and defend, shes a true Alpha, unlike you. And for your information, my mate and her will be looking for me." She snapped.

"Mate hmm? Arent you a little young?" He queried. "Nonetheless they wont make it onto the territory, food is scarce here, the wolves are always hungry." He flicked his hand in dismissal signaling that the conversation was over.

Seer ground her teeth. She thought of Finn, and how worried he was, how worried Rhage was. Oscar pushed the tea closer to Seer, but she ignored it. Glaring at the purple liquid.

"Drink. Or I'll pour it down your throat." He bared his bloodied teeth at Seer who gingerly picked up the tea, adjusting her shackles to hold it properly, she let a large portion of the scalding liquid fill her mouth, before spitting it right in his face.

Seer smirked, proud with herself as he panicked, grabbing his face with a scream. The expression fell when Oscar recovered, ripping the tea from her hands and taking her face in his hand, squeezing as hard as he could, forcing her mouth open.

It hurt, her cheeks inbedded into her teeth, as he brought the hot tea to her mouth Seer's eyes filled with panic as it filled her mouth, she couldnt swallow with the way he held her face.

The liquid bubbles in her mouth and dribbled down the sides of her mouth, she clawed at his hand, and begged with her eyes for him to stop. Once he was satisfied he let her face go, and Seer swallowed the floral drink, before her throat started to tingle, and her eyes felt heavy. Karma tore at her mind in a frenzy. Something was wrong, that's all she could think before her igure crumpled to the floor.

"Goodnight, daughter."


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